Articles by Bill Callahan and Edvard Pettersson

Toyota Must Face Trial in Federal Sudden-Acceleration Case

Toyota Motor Corp. must go to trial in federal court over a lawsuit blaming a Camry driver’s accident and injuries on design defects in the car that caused it to accelerate suddenly. U.S. District Judge James Selna in Santa Ana, …

Toyota Claims Plaintiffs Fabricated Fatal Acceleration Theory

Toyota Motor Corp. said plaintiffs’ lawyers seeking to blame a fatal accident on unintended acceleration made up a theory of how a 66-year-old woman’s foot got stuck between the gas and brake pedal of a 2006 Camry. Toyota’s lawyer, Vince …

BP Wants Gulf Oil Spill Claim Payments to Stop Until Probe Complete

BP Plc asked a federal judge to temporarily halt payments from the court-supervised settlement program set up after the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill while Louis Freeh investigates possible misconduct. BP filed its request for an emergency halt to …