Articles by Rieka Rahadiana and Eko Listiyorini

Indonesian Divers Recover Sriwijaya Air’s Flight Recorder

Indonesian Navy divers retrieved one of the black boxes of the Sriwijaya Air Boeing Co. jet that plunged into the Java Sea shortly after takeoff from Jakarta on Saturday afternoon, a key step in discovering what caused the aircraft carrying …

Wind Could Spread Oil Leak from Pertamina’s Undersea Well in Indonesia

Wind is threatening to spread a growing 52-mile (84-kilometer) oil sheen in Indonesia from an undersea well that began leaking about two weeks ago into the Java Sea. State crude producer PT Pertamina plans to install more booms in the …

Indonesia Rattled by More Than 11,500 Quakes in 2018

Indonesia was rattled by more than 11,500 earthquakes last year, almost double the annual average of the past decade, according to the nation’s meteorological agency. The archipelago was hit by 11,557 temblors in 2018, with 297 of them packing a …

Lion Air Plane’s Cockpit Voice Recorder Recovered in Java Sea

Indonesia found the cockpit voice recorder from the Lion Air plane that crashed in October, giving investigators a real chance at solving the mystery of what brought down a modern jet. The CVR of the Boeing Co. 737 Max aircraft …

Data Recorder Shows Crashed Boeing 737 Max Had Airspeed Issues on Last 4 Flights

The Lion Air plane that crashed in the Java Sea last week had faulty airspeed readings during its last four flights and Indonesian investigators called on planemaker Boeing Co. and U.S. authorities to ensure there aren’t fleet-wide issues. The Southeast …

Lion Air Jet’s Audio Black Box Could Hold Key to Mystery of Doomed Flight

Search crews hunting for the remains of Lion Air Flight JT610 have found the data recorder, engines and body parts of some of the 189 victims. But the key to solving the mystery behind the crash is still missing: the …

UPDATE: Divers Hunt AirAsia Jet in Larger Area Amid Bad Weather

Indonesian Navy divers hunted for more wreckage and recorders from the crashed AirAsia Bhd. jetliner as inclement weather and mud at the bottom of the sea hampered their efforts. Three more bodies were recovered today, taking the total to 37, …

El Nino May Return as Pacific Ocean Shows Signs of Warming

An El Nino weather pattern, which can parch Australia and parts of Asia while bringing rains to South America, may occur in the coming months as the Pacific Ocean warms, according to Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology. Most climate models suggest …