Articles by Eli Lehrer

Eli Lehrer is president of R Street Institute, a national think tank that supports free markets, effective government and responsible environmental stewardship.

Raise Rates, Keep Florida Citizens

The Fort Meade Leader, a smallish Florida Newspaper, has a bang up editorial today about the Florida Citizens Property Insurance Corporation continuing woes. Despite signifiant improvements in its management, an despite its successful placement of a largest-ever cat bond, Citizens …

Free Markets Don’t Have to Mean No Regulation

A pragmatic, free-market take on insurance related issues from R Street Institute’s Eli Lehrer. A one-time boss of mine—a bearded gentleman who liked cigars, opera, candy and the Austrian School of economics—used to insist to me that the private sector …

Coastal Insurance Rates Could Rise if Federal Tax Law is Enacted

As it girds for hurricane season, Texas has plenty to worry about. The Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) – which provides coverage for high risk coastal properties – has ended up at the brink of insolvency paying Hurricane Ike claims. …

It’s Time to Undo Florida’s Property Insurance ‘Reforms’

A year has passed since Gov. Charlie Crist and a nearly unanimous Legislature hailed the arrival of a new era for Florida’s property insurance system. They promised lower rates, greater availability of insurance, and a more vibrant insurance market. Today, …