Articles by Elizabeth Blosfield

Elizabeth Blosfield is Deputy Editor for Carrier Management. She can be reached at

Massachusetts Joins Ohio, N.J. in Proposing COVID-19 Business Interruption Bill

Massachusetts is one of the latest states to propose legislation that would mandate insurers cover COVID-19 related business interruption claims despite virus exclusions in many policies. This comes as Insurance Journal reported legislators in New Jersey and Ohio have floated …

How East Insurance Regulators Are Responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic

As insurers continue to monitor the spread and impact of COVID-19, insurance regulators across the East region of the U.S. are issuing guidance on how the industry can respond. “There is almost no aspect of the insurance business that would …

Nicolopoulos Confirmed as New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner

The New Hampshire Insurance Department has announced that Chris Nicolopoulos was confirmed by the New Hampshire Executive Council as insurance commissioner succeeding John Elias, who resigned in December less than two years after his appointment. Acadia Insurance, a regional underwriter …

NY Regs Ask Insurers for Details of Business Interruption Policies in Wake of COVID-19

The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) has instructed insurers to submit details of business interruption policies that have been provided to insureds, as well as the coverage each policy offers regarding COVID-19. The instructions were issued on …

Proposed N.J. Bill Would Require Insurers to Pay COVID-19 Business Interruption Claims

A proposed New Jersey bill, which aims to create business interruption insurance coverage for COVID-19 related claims despite virus exclusions in many policies, has drawn concern about the constitutionality of legislation like this. “The New Jersey legislation would alter multiple …

N.J. Worker Fired for Medical Marijuana Use Can Pursue Disability Discrimination Claim

The New Jersey Supreme Court has ruled that an employee can pursue a disability discrimination claim under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD) after being fired due to his legal use of medical marijuana outside of work. This decision …

Driver Injured in Accident Not Eligible for Workers’ Comp After Failing to Wear Seat Belt

The Court of Appeals of Virginia has upheld a Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission decision that workers’ comp benefits cannot be awarded to a truck driver injured in an accident after failing to wear a seat belt. This decision comes after …

Insurer Responsible for Liability Claims Despite Uninsured Premises Exclusion

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has ruled that an insurer is responsible for paying liability claims resulting from the improper use of a portable generator, despite an uninsured premises exclusion in the insured’s homeowners policy. This comes after four people …

Acadia Insurance Hires Former New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner Elias

Acadia Insurance, a regional underwriter based in Westbrook, Maine, has hired former New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner John Elias to its management team as senior vice president and chief underwriting officer. He will be based in the company’s Westbrook office. Elias …

Hold the Phone: Massachusetts’ Hands-Free Driving Law Takes Effect

Massachusetts’ new hands-free driving law went into effect February 23rd. The law, signed by Governor Charlie Baker in November, is intended to reduce the number of distracted driving injuries and deaths in the state. It imposes penalties enforced by local …