Articles by Elizabeth Blosfield

Elizabeth Blosfield is Deputy Editor for Carrier Management. She can be reached at

Allstate’s Encompass Insurance to Exit Massachusetts This Summer

Encompass Insurance, an Allstate Insurance company that sells business through independent agents, outlined in its first quarter 2017 earnings release its intent to withdraw from Massachusetts starting in late June as part of its profit improvement actions. The company informed …

Massachusetts Court Affirms How to Calculate Interest in Workers’ Comp Suit

The Massachusetts Appeals Court has affirmed the Department of Industrial Accidents (DIA) reviewing board’s decision in a case involving how interest should be assessed on unpaid workers’ compensation claims. The DIA is responsible for overseeing the workers’ compensation system in …

Mass. Court Says Suspended Public Employee Can Receive Workers’ Comp

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has ruled that an injured public employee is still eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits after being suspended from employment. The court concluded that workers’ compensation benefits are not compensation as defined in the state’s …

Mass. Court Finds Defendant Guilty of Insurance Fraud in Car Accident Case

The Massachusetts Appeals Court has affirmed a lower court’s decision to charge the defendant in a case involving a Boston car accident with motor vehicle insurance fraud. However, the Appeals Court reversed the lower court’s decision to also charge the …

Massachusetts Court Reverses Ruling in Rotten Seafood Coverage Dispute

The Massachusetts Appeals Court has reversed a lower court’s ruling in a case examining whether damage to scallops at a seafood processing facility, when the cause of damage is unknown, constitutes an occurrence within a commercial general liability (CGL) policy. …

Q&A: Art Theft and Its Impact on the Insurance Industry

Bill Anderson, a managing partner of Brooklyn, New York-based Art Guard, recently spoke with Insurance Journal about issues related to insurance and artwork. Anderson has observed that roughly more than 50 percent of art thefts occur at private homes, and …

Massachusetts Court Sides with Norfolk & Dedham in Personal Injury Suit

The Massachusetts Appeals Court has upheld a Superior Court decision that defendant, Norfolk & Dedham Mutual Fire Insurance Co., did not engage in unfair settlement practices in its handling of a personal injury claim. The court also reversed the portions …

Kinion to Continue as Delaware Captive Insurance Bureau Director

Delaware Insurance Commissioner Trinidad Navarro announced at The Delaware Captive Insurance Association’s (DCIA) Spring Forum that Steve Kinion will continue his leadership as Captive Bureau Director for another year. The announcement comes after Kinion’s contract expired on April 1 of …

Travelers’ Drone Program Is Changing the Way Its Claims Reps Do Business

Travelers’ Claim University, founded in 2007, is working to change the way its claims professionals do business through the use of drones to assist in property inspection and claims analysis. The nearly 200,000-square foot facility in Windsor, Conn., offers hands-on …

Allstate’s Encompass Insurance to Exit Massachusetts This Summer

Encompass Insurance, an Allstate Insurance company that sells business through independent agents, outlined in its first quarter 2017 earnings news release its intent to withdraw from Massachusetts as part of its profit improvement actions starting in late June of this …