Articles by Andrew Harris, Bloomberg and Elizabeth Dexheimer

Court Limits Director’s Power But Lets U.S. Consumer Protection Bureau Survive

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau survived a constitutional challenge and will remain in business, though a federal appeals court took away power from its director and tossed out a $109 million penalty against a mortgage company. The long-awaited decision was …

Financial Industry Files Suit Against Obama Fiduciary Standard for Retirement Plan Brokers

Wall Street and business lobbying groups have teamed up to fight the Obama administration’s new rules for U.S. brokers managing retirement accounts, saying the regulations include a ” deliberately unworkable” fiduciary standard. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce joined groups including …

Banks Keep Distance from Marijuana Business and Its Unbanked Billions

The U.S. government has opened a new line of business for America’s biggest banks, and for once they don’t want it. Little wonder: it’s cash from legalized marijuana. The financial-crimes arm of the Treasury Department is making it easier to …