Articles by Emily Chasan

Energy-Hungry Data Storage Is Another Culprit of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Everyone has seen the warning. At the bottom of the email, it says: “Please consider the environment before printing.” But for those who care about global warming, you might want to consider not writing so many emails in the first …

Insurer Pulls Plug on Socially-Conscious Investment Platform Targeting Millennials

In 2017, Pacific Life Insurance Co. introduced a socially conscious, online investing platform tailored to thirtysomethings eager to use their assets to make the world a better place. Those investors proved more expensive and rare than the company thought, and …

Pension Trustees Seek Corporate Disclosure of Sexual Harassment Costs, Policies

A group of trustees from some of America’s biggest public pensions are calling on companies to detail costs related to sexual harassment and any measures they’re taking to address the problem. “We don’t see how it could possibly be accretive …

XL Catlin, Nature Conservancy Eye Coastal Wetlands Investments for Storm Mitigation

When Hurricane Sandy hit the U.S. East Coast in October 2012, its 80-mile-per-hour winds and the resulting flooding did about $71 billion in damage. After the storm, researchers found that natural coastal ecosystems saved communities from Maryland to New Jersey …

Social Issue Investors Pressuring Employers on Pay Equity and Paid Leave Policies

Investors focused on social issues are finding that trickle-down diversity doesn’t work. For years, they surmised that having enough women on boards and in senior management would produce fairer policies. Now investors are changing tactics, saying it’s not enough and …

New York May Sue Accountant Over Lehman Collapse

A possible civil fraud case against Ernst & Young LLC over its role in the collapse of Lehman Brothers could be the biggest government attack on an accounting firm since the collapse of Arthur Andersen over the Enron scandal. New …

Spitzer: Wall Street Should Avoid ‘Frankenstein’ Financial Products

U.S. regulators should clamp down on Wall Street innovation to prevent firms from creating “Frankenstein” financial products with no substantial value to the public at large, former New York attorney general Eliot Spitzer said on Wednesday. Spitzer, the former New …

KPMG Wins Dismissal of Madoff Feeder Fund Lawsuit

Accounting firm KPMG LLP won dismissal Wednesday of a lawsuit stemming from its audits of a “feeder fund” into confessed swindler Bernard Madoff’s ponzi scheme. In an opinion Wednesday Judge Thomas Griesa, of the U.S. District Court in Manhattan, said …

Former SEC Head Donaldson Calls for Regulatory Overhaul

Former U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman William Donaldson said the United States needs a regulatory overhaul, similar to changes made to the system after the Great Depression. “It’s clear there have been some regulatory breakdowns,” Donaldson said at a …

Chinese Fund Manager Pays $2.1 Million for Buffett Lunch; Tip Included

A Chinese fund manager has won a lunch with famed U.S. investor Warren Buffett after bidding $2.11 million for the opportunity in a charity auction, more than three times what the lunch fetched last year. Zhao Danyang, who runs Hong …