Articles by Emily Stephenson

Senate Deals Blow to Bank Deposit Insurance

Efforts by small banks to protect a financial crisis-era deposit insurance program suffered a significant setback on Thursday when a bill to extend the program failed to survive a procedural vote in the U.S. Senate. The Transaction Account Guarantee (TAG) …

Senate Debates Renewal of Federal Deposit Insurance But House May Balk

The U.S. Senate voted on Tuesday to begin debating a bill that would keep a financial crisis-era deposit insurance program in place for two more years, but it will likely face strong opposition from the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. Separately, …

U.S. Regulators Urge Flexibility in Basel III Rules for Banks, Insurers

U.S. lawmakers and state financial regulators on Thursday called on federal officials to revamp proposed rules that would force financial firms to hold much more capital, asking them to consider the impact on small banks and insurance companies. U.S. bank …

Financial Oversight Panel Eyes Prudential As ‘Systemically Important’

The new U.S. risk council has moved closer to deciding whether Prudential Financial is “systemically important,” a Prudential spokesman said on Friday, a tag that would translate into greater regulatory scrutiny for the second-largest U.S. life insurer. The 2010 Dodd-Frank …

3 States Join Lawsuit Challenging Dodd-Frank Law

Three U.S. states have joined a lawsuit that challenges the constitutionality of the 2010 Dodd-Frank law that overhauled U.S. financial oversight and created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The attorneys general of Michigan, Oklahoma and South Carolina are challenging a …