Articles by Chris Marinescu and Emma Hart

Marinescu is president of Paulmar Group LLC. Emma Hart, director of insurance agency operations, Orange County, Calif., and Steven M. Beckett Jr., a P/C insurance broker and industry consultant, also contributed to this article. Email:

From Concept to Practice: Insurance Trust Account Management

The concept of trust account (TA) management has no meaning to many professionals, or they have no uniform understanding of it. There are no text books or college classes on insurance TA management, and insurance-based publications seldom organize discussions to …

How should agencies manage premium dollars?

Unlike other sales and service companies, independent insurance agencies have a management function in their daily operations. Most property and casualty insurance agencies agree not only to sell and service insurance products, but they also receive transacted premiums, maintain them …

How should agencies manage premium dollars?

Unlike other sales and service companies, independent insurance agencies have a management function in their daily operations. Most property and casualty insurance agencies agree not only to sell and service insurance products, but they also receive transacted premiums, maintain them …

Issues in Current Return Premium Accounting

California Insurance Code requires property and casualty insurance agencies to receive premiums and return premiums in a fiduciary capacity. Return premium funds must be maintained in a separate trust bank account and refunded to insureds or finance companies without delay. …

Shortcomings of Current Premium Invoice Accounting

California Insurance Code requires P/C insurance agencies to receive premium funds in a fiduciary capacity. Producer agencies are allowed to transfer earned commissions upon receipt of premium payments. Due to the fiduciary nature of premium funds the transfer of earned …