Articles by Eric Auchard and Julia Fioretti

EU Guidelines Seek to Limit Crackdown on Uber, Airbnb

European Union governments should not ban services like home-rental site Airbnb or ride-hailing app Uber except as a last resort, the EU says in new guidelines, seeking to rein in a crackdown on the “sharing economy.” In guidelines seen by …

Outdated SAP Software May Be Vulnerable to Hackers if Not Properly Patched

Europe’s biggest software company, SAP, is the subject of a U.S. security alert over a vulnerability the firm disabled six years ago that can still give outside attackers remote control over older SAP systems if the software is not properly …

World Economic Forum Sees Finance/Insurance Industry in Digital Firing-Line

The world’s top banks and insurers are being forced to review their business models amid rapid inroads by nimble “fintech” start-ups, which are reshaping what consumers and businesses expect out of financial services, a report out Tuesday said. The report …

Smartcars Could Cause Traffic Headaches

Traffic jams in the future could cause potentially dangerous data snarl-ups as cars packed with entertainment, safety and navigation features vie for airwaves with smartphones, tablets and networked features in other vehicles, according to a study. By 2024, mobile networks …

Europol: Data Law Changes Needed to Fight Cybercrime

Law enforcers in Europe need greater powers to retain data for longer in order to catch cybercriminals selling discrete services that police cannot trace under existing regulations, according to a Europol report. Cybercrime is increasingly conducted by a highly specialized …