Articles by Erica Werner

House Passes Bill to Exempt Expatriate Plans from Affordable Care Act

The House has approved bipartisan legislation to exempt U.S. health plans sold to expatriate workers from having to comply with requirements under the Affordable Care Act. The measure, which passed 268-150, is aimed at helping U.S. insurance companies like Cigna …

Obama Consoles Tornado-Ravaged Missouri City

Exactly a week after the Missouri city of Joplin was nearly leveled by the deadliest tornado to strike the United States in decades, President Barack Obama visited the area to offer hope to survivors and promises of help. On May …

President Obama Consoles Tornado-Ravaged Missouri City

Exactly a week after the Missouri city of Joplin was nearly leveled by the deadliest tornado to strike the U.S in decades, President Barack Obama visited to offer hope to survivors and promises of help. On May 29, Obama came …

Obama Eyes Raising Oil Spill Liability Limit; BP Says It’s Not An Issue

The White House is pushing to lift the limit on how much BP pays for the Gulf Coast oil spill. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said the administration wants to work with Congress to change a law that caps at $75 …

Federal Law May Limit BP Liability in Oil Spill

A federal law may limit how much BP has to pay for damages such as lost wages and economic suffering in the Gulf Coast oil spill, despite President Barack Obama’s assurances that taxpayers will not be on the hook. A …

Firms Fight Flex Spending Account $2,500 Cap Under Health Reforms

Those tax-free spending accounts that employees use to help pay for dental work, insurance copayments or over-the-counter drugs face a hit under the health overhaul bills in Congress, unless a coalition that includes a powerful union, insurers and others can …

Obama Gives Proponents Hope for Medical Malpractice Reform

Following President Barack Obama’s offer of compromise on an issue that has long divided Washington, congressional health care negotiators are considering proposals to foster alternatives to medical malpractice lawsuits. The possibility that malpractice changes could be part of health care …

Insurance Exchange, Mandate, Public Option Among Democrats’ Health Ideas

House Democrats are looking at big health care changes, including federal aid to help families earning up to $88,000 pay for insurance and a requirement that all must carry coverage. A document obtained by The Associated Press shows the plan …

Democrats Agree Health Reform Must Include Medical Liability Changes

Medical malpractice overhauls have died many deaths in Congress over the years, often at the hands of Democratic lawmakers backed by trial lawyers. Attempts to change the system may be getting new life. As they search for savings to redo …

Damages Limit at Issue in LA Train Crash

In the wake of the deadly train collision in Los Angeles, California’s U.S. senators are questioning a federal law that sets a $200 million limit on damage payouts to victims of a train crash. With 25 dead and more than …