Articles by Erik Larson

Litigation Insurance Reimburses Plaintiff Lawyers Losing Cases on Contingency

When David Brill lost a trial for a client who fell off his neighbor’s ladder, it was a rare failure for his three-member Florida law firm. It also cost him $30,000 in expenses since he’d taken the case on contingency, …

Trump Campaign Sued by Staffer Alleging Director Pulled Gun on Him

Donald Trump’s campaign was sued for allegedly doing nothing after being told that the director of its North Carolina operations pulled a gun on a staffer as they drove in a Jeep in February. The incident was described in a …

States to Sue VW Over Diesel Scandal

New York and Maryland are among several states planning to sue Volkswagen AG over the environmental damage done by devices that were designed by the carmaker to cheat on pollution-control tests. Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh said Monday in a …

Gunmakers Say Federal Law Shields Them from Sandy Hook Negligence Claims

A 2005 federal law was designed specifically to prevent gunmakers from being sued for mass killings like the one at Sandy Hook Elementary School, lawyers for the maker of the AR-15 assault weapon used in the attack told a Connecticut …

Orlando Victims Watching Sandy Hook Gun Manufacturer Liability Case Opening Today

A case in Connecticut state court could help victims from mass shootings — including the recent massacre in Orlando — sue manufacturers of military style assault rifles used in the attacks, despite state and federal laws granting them immunity. On …

Suit Against Airbnb Alleges Racial Discrimination in Housing Rentals

Airbnb Inc. was accused in a civil rights lawsuit of ignoring a Virginia man who said a host with the online room rental company had rejected his reservation request because he’s black. Gregory Selden, 25, sued in Washington Tuesday. He …

Sandy Hook Families’ Lawsuit Against Bushmaster Gets Trial Date

The maker of the assault rifle used in the 2012 massacre of more than two dozen students and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School was ordered to allow its executives to be questioned ahead of a trial of a lawsuit …

GM Wins Second ‘Bellwether’ Ignition Switch Trial

General Motors Co. won its second straight trial against drivers who blamed car wrecks on faulty ignition switches, boosting the company’s outlook for resolving hundreds of similar cases on more favorable terms. The crash of Dionne Spain’s 2007 Saturn Sky …

GM Tells Ignition Switch Jury: ‘Sometimes Accidents Just Happen’

“Sometimes, accidents just happen,” a lawyer for General Motors Co. told a U.S. jury in defense of the carmaker at a test trial over a deadly flaw in millions of ignition switches. The accident was one of dozens that occurred …

GM Avoids Showdown in First Ignition Trial But Faces Many More Ahead

General Motors Co. just watched the first big court case over an admitted deadly defect in its cars melt down as an Oklahoma postman who claimed GM ruined his life dropped his suit, accused of lying. The case was the …