Articles by Ernest Stromberger, AAI, CAE

Goodbyes, New Directions and Thank Yous

It’s goodbye time. After 20 years at the helm of IIAT, and 62 years on this planet, it’s time for me to head in a new direction. But first, I hope you’ll permit me a few musings. I leave this …

George Hogue: Perfect for the Job

We tried to get George Hogue to come to the IIAT convention in June so we could give him a plaque and a round of applause, but he won’t be there. He made other plans. And besides, he doesn’t like …

George Hogue: Perfect for the Job

We tried to get George Hogue to come to the IIAT convention in June so we could give him a plaque and a round of applause, but he won’t be there. He made other plans. And besides, he doesn’t like …

Wade Spilman: Peerless Advocate, Irreplaceable Friend

Wade Spilman was always proud to say that, even though he wasn’t an insurance agent, he spent so much of his life working with, and on behalf of, agents that he often found himself thinking like an agent. IIAT will …

How Two Agents Declared Independence

With all of the attention being placed on mergers and clusters by independent insurance agencies trying to survive decreasing commissions and increasing costs, it’s easy to forget that there are still people out there trying to start new agencies from …