Articles by Ewa Krukowska

European Union Nations Fast-Track Approval of Paris Climate Agreement

European Union nations agreed to a fast-track ratification by the 28-member bloc of the Paris climate agreement, a step that could enable the most sweeping accord to combat global warming to come into force next month. The European Parliament, whose …

Landmark Climate Change Agreement ‘A Major Leap for Mankind’: Pres. Hollande

The world’s nations took the boldest steps yet to stem climate change, adopting an historic package of measures to limit fossil-fuel pollution and establish a mechanism to step up the reductions for decades. After two weeks of intense negotiations overseen …

As Climate Talks Resume, Divisions Between Poor & Rich Nations Highlighted

Just days before global negotiators were set to meet for talks on climate change, Tropical Storm Erika killed at least 20 people on Dominica. The small Caribbean island evoked the tragedy to highlight divisions between industrialized nations and developing economies …

Global Warming Pact Expected from Warsaw Talks

Envoys from 190 nations are close to agreeing upon the first building blocks for the next treaty aimed at fighting global warming, sketching the way to worldwide cuts in fossil-fuel emissions. The delegates, due to finish talks today in Warsaw, …