Articles by Fenit Nirappil

Associated Press

Students in Deadly California Bus Crash Not Given Safety Instructions

The high school students who struggled to escape from a burning tour bus after a collision with a tractor-trailer in California last year that killed 10 never received the required safety instructions from the driver before the crash, according to …

Unprecedented Water Cutbacks Approved by California Regulators

California water regulators adopted sweeping, unprecedented restrictions on how people, governments and businesses can use water amid the state’s ongoing drought, hoping to push reluctant residents to deeper conservation. The State Water Resources Control Board approved rules this week that …

California’s Brown Wants to Battle Drought With Fine For Water Wasters

California businesses and residents that waste the most water as the state copes with a drought should face $10,000 fines, Gov. Jerry Brown said, as his administration rejected calls from cities to relax its mandatory water conservation targets. The recommendation …

Mandatory Water Restrictions Ordered by California Governor

California Gov. Jerry Brown ordered officials Wednesday to impose statewide mandatory water restrictions for the first time in history as surveyors found the lowest snow level in the Sierra Nevada snowpack in 65 years of record-keeping. Standing in dry, brown …

California Senate Approves $1B Water Plan Amid Drought

The state Senate has approved a $1 billion proposal to speed up spending on water projects in drought-stricken California. The Senate this week voted 35-1 on the package to accelerate infrastructure spending. An accompanying measure authorizing fines for illegal water …

For Dry California Another Year of Water Restrictions Likely

Californians won’t be able to water their lawns more than twice a week under tougher drought regulations that were expected to be approved this week as the state heads into a fourth particularly dry year. The State Water Resources Control …

New Drought Rules at Restaurants, Hotels Considered in California

Officials are considering new water restrictions as California’s drought drags on, possibly forcing residents to ask for water at restaurants and for fresh towels and sheets at hotels. The State Water Resources Control Board floated the ideas at an informational …

California Lawmaker Proposes Annual $52 Fee For Road Repairs

Most California drivers would pay an extra $52 a year under a proposal to raise $2 billion a year to fix the state’s crumbling roads, bridges and highways. Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins’ proposal released Wednesday didn’t spell out how the …

Immigrants’ Prior Licenses to be Checked by California DMV

Immigrants in the country illegally who fraudulently obtained a California driver’s license before it was legal won’t get a new card until state authorities review their driving record. The Department of Motor Vehicles this month started issuing special licenses to …

Drone Nearly Blocks Firefighting Planes in California

A private drone trying to record footage of a Northern California wildfire nearly hindered efforts to attack the flames from the air, but firefighters made enough progress to allow most of the 1,200 people under evacuation orders to return home …