Articles by Frederic J. Frommer

Coal States’ Senators File Black Lung Benefits Bill

Sens. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania unveiled legislation last week aimed at ensuring fairer treatment for coal miners with black lung disease as they pursue benefits claims. The bill by the two Democratic senators from …

Consumer Product Safety Agency Working on Football Helmets

The head of the Consumer Product Safety Commission told Congress last week that her agency is working to improve the safety of football helmets, as head injuries come under increasing scrutiny from the National Football League to youth football. The …

Report: Upgrading FEMA Flood Maps Would Save Lives, Stem Losses

Nearly four years after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, researchers called on the federal government to upgrade its flood maps, arguing that the effort could save lives as well as stem losses to properties and businesses. The Federal Emergency Management …

Federal Agencies Still Lacking Identity Theft Protections, Says Report

Nearly two years after an embarrassing flap in which veterans’ personal information was put at risk of identity theft, federal agencies are still not doing all they can to prevent further lapses, investigators have found. Most of the two dozen …

Congress Approves Swimming Pool Drain Safety Bill

Congress approved legislation this week aimed at strengthening pool safety, six months after a 6-year-old girl was seriously injured by a drain’s powerful suction. The legislation would ban the manufacture, sale or distribution of drain covers that don’t meet anti-entrapment …

Senate Passes Mental Health Parity Legislation

Capping a long battle, the Senate passed legislation this week that would require equal health insurance coverage for mental and physical illnesses when policies include both. The bill, which passed by unanimous consent, moves advocates one step closer in their …

Congressman’s Widow Urges Senate to Ban Asbestos

The widow of a congressman who died from asbestos-related cancer has urged Congress to pass legislation that would ban the substance. Sue Vento told a Senate panel last week about the battle waged by her late husband, Bruce Vento, against …