Articles by Gary Fineout

Rate Hikes on Agenda for Florida’s Citizens Insurance

Florida’s largest property insurer, already under fire for everything from recent business deals to how much it pays its executives, is readying another round of rate hikes for homeowners. The board of Citizens Property Insurance Corp. meets next week in …

Florida Gov. Scott, CFO Atwater Were Told About Heritage Deal with Citizens

Florida Gov. Rick Scott — and other top state officials — quickly distanced themselves last month from a controversial deal approved by Citizens Property Insurance Corp. to shift thousands of homeowner policies to a start-up insurance company. But emails show …

Fired Florida State Trooper Deserves Job Back: Hearing Officer

A state hearing officer is recommending that a fired Florida Highway Patrol trooper be given his job back. The recommended order states that Trooper Charles Swindle should have been suspended without pay instead of losing his job. Swindle was fired …

Fired Florida Trooper Says Speeding Lawmakers Get Break

A fired state trooper, as well as some current and former troopers, testified last week that the Florida Highway Patrol had an informal policy of giving breaks to legislators caught speeding. The highway patrol maintains no such policy exists — …

Florida Gov. Scott Signs Bill Limiting State Review of Health Insurance Rates

Florida Gov. Rick Scott has signed a bill that removes the ability of state regulators to challenge health insurance rates for a two-year period. U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson had called for the bill to be vetoed, saying the legislation was …

Florida Gov. Scott Hits Citizens for Secrecy; Signs Clearinghouse, Cap Bill

Florida Gov. Rick Scott is sounding off anew against the state’s largest property insurer. Scott on Wednesday signed a bill that includes modest steps to shrink the size of the state-created Citizens Property Insurance Corp. The bill (SB 1770) creates …

After Years of Increases, Florida Property Insurance Rates May Be Stabilizing

It’s been nearly eight years since Hurricane Wilma raked the southern end of Florida and caused billions in damages, the last of eight hurricanes to hit the state in 2004 and 2005. Yet even as the state has been spared …

Florida’s Citizens Policy Deal with Heritage Insurance Faces Questions

A backlash is quickly growing against the decision of Florida’s largest property insurer to shift thousands of policies to a start-up insurance company. Just days ago Citizens Property Insurance Corp. narrowly approved an agreement that calls for paying $52 million …

Florida Catastrophe Fund Financially Stronger on Eve of Hurricane Season

Florida is heading into a new storm season with some good news for once. The state-created fund that backs up private insurers in Florida is in the best financial shape it has been in years — maybe the best since …

Florida Lawmakers Confront Cost of Improving School Safety

The mass school shooting in Connecticut led officials to question if more should be done to beef up security in Florida’s public classrooms. Three months later, lawmakers are still grappling with how to respond, especially since one solution — placing …