Articles by Gary Fineout

Florida Facing $300M Fine Over Health Insurance for Part-Time Employees

It turns out that the state of Florida has yet another major decision to make in the next few months when it comes to the federal healthcare overhaul. The state may be forced to make sweeping changes to its health …

Republicans Opposing 3 Florida Justices

The Republican Party of Florida is injecting itself into this year’s state Supreme Court elections. The party’s executive board last week voted to oppose three justices who are seeking a new six-year term through an up or down vote on …

Florida Could Face Lawsuits Over I-75 Crashes

A series of deadly January crashes on Interstate 75 could trigger more than a dozen lawsuits against the state of Florida. The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles acknowledged this week that it has received 13 lawsuit notices from …

Florida Hurricane Fund May Come Up Short If Big Storm Hits: Panel

Florida may not have enough money to pay off hurricane insurance claims if a big storm hits this year. An advisory panel last Thursday concluded that the state may fall nearly $2 billion short of the total needed to cover …

Florida Lawmakers Keep Their Health Premiums Below Other State Workers’

Florida legislators, saying that they differ from rank-and-file state workers, have killed an effort to force themselves to pay more for their health insurance. The 160 members in the Florida Legislature pay among the lowest premiums in state government. Legislators …

Florida Bill Seeks to Curb Medical Malpractice Claims

The Republican-controlled Florida Legislature is pushing ahead this year with changes meant to curb medical malpractice lawsuits against doctors. This effort is being criticized as an attack on the privacy rights of patients and comes at a time when fewer …

Florida’s Citizens Seeks Lawmakers’ Help to Raise Rates, Shrink Size

Florida’s largest property insurer wants sweeping changes — including the ability to charge higher rates — in the coming year. It may be a hard sell during a contentious election year, but the board that governs Citizens Property Insurance voted …

Florida Hurricane Fund Has $3.2 Billion Shortfall

Florida’s hurricane fund is confronting a potential $3.2 billion shortfall, financial experts said in a new estimate of the money available to the pool intended to help insurers make disaster payments. The fund was created after Hurricane Andrew devastated South …

Florida in Danger, Warns Hurricane Fund Chief

Florida’s hurricane fund chief is warning that the state-created fund used to help insurers pay off claims after a big storm is in danger. The state has relied on a hurricane fund ever since Hurricane Andrew devastated South Florida nearly …