Articles by Glenn Adams

Maine Health Program Savings Estimated to be $34 Million

Maine’s top insurance regulator said that last year’s savings in the state’s health care system resulting from the politically hot Dirigo universal health care program amounted to $34.3 million. Insurance Superintendent Alessandro Iuppa’s figure was several million dollars less in …

Maine Gov. Baldacci Proposes Self-Insurance for Dirigo Health Plan

Maine Gov. John Baldacci this week proposed a major change in the structure of Dirigo Health, his prized program which is developing into one of the most contentious issues in the young gubernatorial campaign. Baldacci wants to authorize Dirigo’s board …

Despite Surge in Biker Deaths, Helmet Bill Tough Sell in Maine, N.H.

With arctic winds still blowing and snow flying across northern New England, motorcycle season is still a ways down the road. But the debate over helmets will soon rev up in at least one of the states where the motorcycle …