Articles by Greg Stohr

Supreme Court Grants Nuns Compromise on Obamacare Birth Control Benefit

The U.S. Supreme Court said an order of Catholic nuns, for now, doesn’t have to fill out an Obama administration form that the religious group says might lead to contraceptive coverage for its employees. The justices on Friday said the …

Supreme Court Rejects Human Rights Claim Against Multinational Firm

The U.S. Supreme Court gave multinational companies a stronger shield against lawsuits, throwing out a case against Daimler AG over a company unit’s alleged collaboration in torture and killings in Argentina. The justices unanimously said the parent company didn’t have …

Supreme Court Nixes Organic Farmers’ Appeal on Monsanto Seed Patent

The U.S. Supreme Court refused to let organic farmers and seed sellers challenge Monsanto Co.’s patents on genetically modified seeds. The justices today left intact a federal appeals court decision that threw out a lawsuit against Monsanto, the world’s largest …

Supreme Court Justice Places Hold on Birth Control Mandate in Nuns’ Case

Part of President Barack Obama’s health-care law is on hold in a Colorado case until at least tomorrow, as the U.S. Supreme Court considers contentions from religious groups that say they don’t want to facilitate coverage for contraception. Acting just …

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Religious Exemption to Birth Control Benefit

The U.S. Supreme Court will take up a challenge to part of President Barack Obama’s healthcare law by companies claiming a religious exemption to the requirement that they provide birth control coverage for employees. The justices said today they will …

Supreme Court Poised to Decide Future of Securities Class Actions

The U.S. Supreme Court accepted a case with the potential to transform securities litigation, agreeing to reconsider a precedent that has served as the foundation for shareholder suits for the past 25 years. The Halliburton Co. appeal asks the court …

Lenders Miss Chance as U.S. High Court Housing-Bias Case Settles

The settlement of a New Jersey housing-bias lawsuit scuttles a U.S. Supreme Court showdown that might have shielded lenders from discrimination suits pressed by the Obama administration. The Supreme Court had been set to hear arguments next month in the …

Supreme Court Upholds $11.5M Proposal System Patent Claim Against Hyundai

The U.S. Supreme Court turned away a Hyundai Motor Co. unit’s appeal of an $11.5 million award in a patent lawsuit over a means of creating customized printed proposals for prospective customers. The justices today let stand a federal appeals …

Supreme Court Shows Interest in Medical Device Liability Laws

The U.S. Supreme Court expressed interest in Medtronic Inc.’s appeal in a lawsuit by a man who was rendered a paraplegic after surgeons implanted a system that infuses pain medication into the spine. The justices today asked the Obama administration …

Supreme Court Rejects Tobacco Companies’ Appeal of Florida Case

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected the tobacco industry’s appeal of a Florida ruling that may help thousands of smokers sue cigarette makers over smoking-related illnesses. The nation’s highest court today turned away arguments by Altria Group Inc.’s Philip Morris USA, …