Articles by Greg Stohr

Supreme Court Makes Room for Triple Damages for Intentional Patent Infringement

The U.S. Supreme Court eased the way for larger damage awards when a company intentionally copies a patented invention. Voting unanimously, the justices said a key federal appeals court had placed overly rigid limits on the ability of trial judges …

Supreme Court Ducks Religious Claims Against Obamacare Birth Control Benefit

The U.S. Supreme Court backed out of a divisive clash involving religious groups that object to contraceptive coverage under Obamacare, issuing a compromise decision that said the two sides might be able to work out their differences. Releasing an unsigned, …

Supreme Court Enters Final Stretch with Key Decisions in Limbo

The U.S. Supreme Court has managed to steer away from controversy in the three months since Justice Antonin Scalia’s death. That’s about to get harder. The court is opening the last phase of its nine-month term, a six-week stretch that …

Cheerleader Uniform Case Tests Copyright Protection for Designs

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to use a clash between rival makers of cheerleading outfits to clarify the scope of federal copyright protection for pictures and graphic designs. The justices on Monday said they will hear an appeal from Star …

Religious Groups, Obama Administration Cool to Supreme Court Birth Control Proposal

The U.S. Supreme Court got a mixed reaction from the Obama administration and religious groups to its unusual proposal to resolve a clash over employee insurance coverage for contraceptives. In a court filing Tuesday, U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli said …

Split Supreme Court in Search of Birth Control Benefit Compromise

The U.S. Supreme Court called for additional briefing in a divisive clash over contraceptives and Obamacare, issuing an unusual order that suggests at least one justice may be eyeing a possible compromise. The order comes less than a week after …

Supreme Court Declines Another Challenge to Affordable Care Act

The U.S. Supreme Court refused to take up a new constitutional challenge to the Affordable Care Act, turning away an appeal that said lawmakers used flawed legislative procedures to pass the measure. Opponents of President Barack Obama’s healthcare law were …

Supreme Court Lets Stand State, Local Bans on Assault Weapons

A divided U.S. Supreme Court steered clear of a politically charged fight over gun rights, turning away a challenge to a law banning semi-automatic assault weapons and large-capacity magazines in a Chicago suburb. The justices left intact a federal appeals …

Supreme Court to Review Religious Groups’ Claims Over Obamacare Birth Control Benefit

The U.S. Supreme Court scheduled a new showdown over Obamacare and religious rights, agreeing to hear contentions by faith-based groups that they shouldn’t have to facilitate what they consider to be immoral insurance coverage for contraceptives. The case, which centers …

Supreme Court Justices Divided Over Spokeo Internet Injury Class Action Case

A divided U.S. Supreme Court indicated it may put limits on consumer lawsuits, questioning arguments by a man seeking to sue over what he says is an error-riddled Internet profile. Hearing arguments in Washington, members of the court’s conservative majority …