Articles by Guy Faulconbridge

Brexit Could Be Reversed if Economic Pain Sways Public Opinion: Former Minister

Brexit could be reversed if economic pain prompts a change in public opinion that brings a new generation of political leaders to power in Britain, former Conservative minister Michael Heseltine said. Heseltine, who helped topple Margaret Thatcher in 1990 but …

Brexit or ‘Regrexit’? That Is Still the Question…

To leave, or not to leave: that is the question. Still. After Britain’s historic vote to leave the European Union, there is no indication that a so-called Brexit will happen soon. It maybe never will. Prime Minister David Cameron, who …

Update: Britain Votes to Leave EU; Prime Minister Cameron Resigns

Britain has voted to leave the European Union, forcing the resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron and dealing the biggest blow to the European project of greater unity since World War Two. Global financial markets plunged as results from Thursday’s …

EU Exit Could ‘Wreck’ London as Financial Capital, Says City Lobby Group

If the UK exits the European Union, it could wreck London’s position as the only financial center to rival New York and isolate the country’s economy, research ordered by a lobby group for banks and money managers concluded. Prime Minister …

U.S. Says ‘End is in Sight” on Russia’s Bid to Join the WTO

Russia could join the World Trade Organization within a year after talks on Moscow’s 17-year-old bid made good progress, President Barack Obama’s senior economic adviser said on Wednesday. “We are certainly hopeful that well before 12 months from now, this …