Articles by Howard Goldblatt

Anti-Insurance Fraud Measures Needed in Minnesota and Michigan

Minnesota and Michigan both are confronting significant problems with scammers defrauding auto-insurance systems they perceive have relatively soft defenses. Minnesota faces a surge in organized fraud rings that fleece auto insurers with large and fake injury claims. The state needs …

Anti-Insurance Fraud Measures Needed in Minnesota and Michigan

Minnesota and Michigan both are confronting significant problems with scammers defrauding auto insurance systems they perceive have relatively soft defenses. Minnesota faces a surge in organized fraud rings that fleece auto insurers with large and fake injury claims. The state …

Spring Brings New Crop of Fraud Laws in Northeast

Fraud bills are blooming like azalea bushes around the East this spring, and statehouses are rife with upside potential for substantive new fraud laws in 2010. This counters the recent logic that many state lawmakers are too busy trying to …

Spring Brings New Crop of Fraud Laws in Northeast

Fraud bills are blooming like azalea bushes around the East this spring, and statehouses are rife with upside potential for substantive new fraud laws in 2010. This counters the recent logic that many state lawmakers are too busy trying to …

Shrinking Budgets Stem Fraud Fighting Efforts

Fewer Fraud Bills To Be Debated in West With the downtrodden economy rumbling through the West, momentous and game-changing fraud bills will be in short supply this year. Lawmakers’ time and patience will be soaked up by efforts to shore-up …

Legislators aim to crack down on fraud

For years, Al Capone outwitted federal efforts to nail him for murder and other mobster-type crimes. The feds finally took him down with a breathtakingly simple courtroom gambit: tax evasion. California Capones Modern-day insurance Capones can expect a similar fate …

Braking steals-on-wheels in Florida, state capital of staged auto accident

With Florida’s staged-accident rings thriving even while serious crimes like robbery and murder are dropping, efforts are underway to notch up the heat against money-draining insurance gangs. Legislative reforms that try to swing the enforcement pendulum back toward hard-pressed fraud …

Tougher Laws Key in Fight Against Insurance Fraud

How do you convince overworked state prosecutors to chase down often stale-sounding insurance swindles when their case files already are bulging with high-profile crimes such as drugs, robbery and murder? Insurance-fraud laws are great motivators: State prosecutors can convict con …

Tougher Laws Key to Fight Against Insurance Fraud

How do you convince overworked state prosecutors to chase down often stale-sounding insurance swindles when their case files already are bulging with high-profile crimes such as drugs, robbery and murder? Insurance-fraud laws are great motivators: State prosecutors can convict con …

Tougher Laws Key to Fight Against Insurance Fraud

How do you convince overworked state prosecutors to chase down often stale-sounding insurance swindles when their case files already are bulging with high-profile crimes such as drugs, robbery and murder? Insurance-fraud laws are great motivators: State prosecutors can convict con …