Articles by Howard Schneider

Climate Change Not ‘Serious Risk’ to Financial Stability, Fed’s Waller Says

Climate change does not pose such “significantly unique or material” financial stability risks that the Federal Reserve should treat it separately in its supervision of the financial system, Fed Governor Christopher Waller said on Thursday in a detailed rebuttal of …

Jobs Blowout Cements Case for Another Big Fed Rate Hike

Another blowout jobs number and continued wage growth will likely stiffen resolve at the Federal Reserve for another three-quarter point rate increase at the central bank’s July meeting, as the welcome news of a still strong job market clashes with …

Global Supply Stress Worsened in April, NY Fed’s Index Shows

Stress on global supply chains worsened in April as coronavirus lockdown measures in China and the war in Ukraine lengthened delivery times, and air freight costs between the United States and Asia rose, the New York Federal Reserve reported in …

Powell Says Fed Will Fix Inflation, Calls Price Stability ‘Bedrock’ of Economy

Calling stable prices the “bedrock” of the economy, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said on Thursday the U.S. central bank’s battle to control inflation would “include some pain” as the impact of higher interest rates is felt, but that the …

Inflation, Ukraine War Seen as Chief Financial Risks

High inflation, volatility in stock and commodity markets and the war in Ukraine have emerged as the chief risks to the U.S. financial system, the Federal Reserve reported on Monday in a biannual update on financial stability that warned of …

Two-Thirds of Employees Might Seek New Jobs if Forced Back to Office: Global Survey

Worker demands for more flexibility and security, bolstered by the pandemic and a tight labor market, are only growing more intense as the world economy reopens and some firms begin trying to pull employees back to offices, payroll provider ADP …

Global Supply Pressures Eased in February, New York Fed Says

Global supply chain pressures eased in February as backlogs and delivery times improved in several key markets and a measure of ocean shipping costs declined, according to new data from the New York Federal Reserve released on Thursday. The New …

Labor Force Participation Rebound Will Take Time: Research

The U.S. Federal Reserve faces a long slog if it hopes for the country’s labor force participation rate to climb back to pre-pandemic levels according to new research identifying a participation “cycle” that typically lags falling unemployment rates by nine …

Embedded As a Risk, New COVID Cycle Could Challenge Economic Recovery

Five weeks after dropping its reference to the coronavirus as a weight on the economy, the U.S. Federal Reserve is confronting a challenging new rise in cases that has fueled doubts about the global recovery and is already forcing other …

Overtime, Flexibility, Automation Among Challenges in Pandemic Labor Reshuffle

If the coronavirus pandemic produced its own brand of anxiety for American workers trying to stay healthy while balancing job and family demands, the coming return to “normal” will pose a new set of challenges. Like whether to first try …