Articles by Ian Adams

Consumer Watchdog Should Want a More Dynamic, Competitive Market for California Insureds

Yesterday, I published a paper about, and titled, “The troublesome legacy of Prop 103.” Shortly thereafter, an organization called Consumer Watchdog published a startlingly quick response. The speed of their response, while impressive, is no surprise. Consumer Watchdog owes its …

Don’t Strangle the Cyber-Insurance Market in its Cradle

We live in an era of disruption. Technology redefines our world on a regular basis, as the wonders of networks that allow data to be transferred virtually without restriction have enmeshed knowledge and commerce into our lives on an uninterrupted …

California Supreme Court and the Coming Assignment-of-Benefits Gold Rush

The California Supreme Court recently decided to break with its own precedent and declare that insurers can’t stop policyholders from assigning the benefits of their policies before a claim is settled. Like many developments in the world of insurance law, …

Courts Need a Better Appreciation of the Principles of Depreciation

Post-World War II, the United States experienced a simultaneous boom of babies and buildings. To keep pace with the need for new development, homes literally could be ordered out of a Sears catalogue. The true expense of such homes was …

California Earthquake Authority Prepares to Go into ‘Hyperspace’

The California Earthquake Authority – the state’s quasi-public earthquake insurance pool – long has had a problem with take-up. Only about 10 percent of homeowners in this most seismically active state actually buy coverage for the biggest catastrophic peril they …

Fracking Drives NAIC Earthquake Conversation

Hydraulic fracturing – the process of extracting oil and gas resources that requires breaking rock through the high-pressured injection of liquid into the ground, popularly known as “fracking” – has caused an uptick in the number of earthquakes that are …

It’s Time for Dialogue, not Demagoguery, on Price Optimization

Social activist Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals” was written as a how-to guide for community activists looking to compel political change. Yet its rules are no less applicable to parties already in power, particularly …

TNC Rain Dance Shows How NCOIL Is All Wet

“Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.” – Unknown Cowboy aphorisms have a lot to offer contemporary culture, in spite of their dubious origins. The National Conference of Insurance Legislators, an organization designed and …

In Midst of Drought, Sacramento Needs to Prepare for Flood

In the midst of a serious drought, it’s time to become concerned about a coming flood. Orbiting high above the Pacific Ocean, a Japanese weather satellite has spied the embryonic stages of a massive El Niño weather system that, once …

California Committee Stands Up to the Fourth Branch of Government

Like other myths and fairy-tales meant to conceal and excite, California’s school children are taught to believe that there are three branches of government. In fact, there clearly are four. Though a putative part of the executive branch, agencies are …