Articles by Ian Adams

Utah TNC Bill Makes Optional Coverages Mandatory

When Utah’s brief legislative session came to a close in March, proponents of ridesharing services offered by transportation network companies rejoiced. The state had passed S.B. 294, sponsored by state Sen. Stuart Adams, R–Layton, which created a regulatory framework within …

The Rock Won’t Save You From Earthquakes; Retrofitting Might

It has been a big week for earthquake news in California. Hollywood gave us “San Andreas,” a thrill a minute dystopian drama starring Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) as a heroic flying firefighter and Paul Giamatti as a jittery professor-like creature. …

Kansas Overrides Brownback Veto on TNC Bill

In a disappointing development, the Kansas Legislature has overturned Gov. Sam Brownback’s veto of S.B. 117, the so-called “Uber bill.” While S.B. 117 is not without redeeming qualities – a regulatory framework is indeed necessary – its flaws will place …

Hawaii Considers Bill to Regulate Ride-Sharing…in 2112

No two states are the same. What passes for polite in New England may be considered downright abrasive in the Pacific Northwest. What a Californian finds politically correct, a midwesterner might find utterly confusing. It is no surprise, then, that …

NAIC Rises Above ‘No Action Is Contemplated’ on Ride-Sharing

Regular attendees of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ thrice-yearly meetings are known to joke that NAIC actually stands for “No Action Is Contemplated.” At the group’s latest meeting in Phoenix, the Sharing Economy Working Group rendered the basis of …

Tempest Brewing Around California Uninsured Motorist Coverage

A tempest is brewing around California’s otherwise functional system of uninsured and underinsured automobile insurance. At an informational hearing held in the great Shakespearian tradition of dialogue capped by monologue, California state senators were treated to three hours of testimony …

Prop 103’s Authors Argue for Changing Prop 103

Scottish poets from the 18th Century are rarely credited for their insights into California politics. Yet the architects of Proposition103, California’s 25-year-old attempt to rigidly control prices in the state’s insurance market, would have done well to heed the insight …

It’s Time for Insurance Reform in Louisiana

Louisiana is vulnerable to extreme weather and natural catastrophes in ways only a few other states experience. By all indications, that exposure will only grow worse, as a combination of sea rise, erosion and subsidence causes Louisiana to lose a …

Earthquake Risks Are Rising, but Take-Up Isn’t

The West Coast’s risk of ruin is even greater than we previously feared. According to the just-released Third Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, the likelihood that California could see an earthquake of 8.0 or more over the next 30 years …

TNCs, State Flood Insurance Among Hot Topics at NCOIL Spring Meeting

For those whose travel plans weren’t interrupted by the inclement weather, the spring meeting of the tri-annually convened National Conference of Insurance Legislators – held in Charleston, S.C. just as February turned into March – offered intense discussion and debate …