Articles by Andrew Harris and Ian Katz

Judge Challenges Regulators’ Lawyer Over MetLife SIFI Tag

A U.S. lawyer defending the government’s decision to designate MetLife Inc. a threat to the American economy if it were to falter was questioned sharply by a federal judge who was asked by the company to remove the label. The …

Court Hears MetLife’s Challenge to ‘Too-Big-to-Fail’ Designation This Week

For MetLife Inc. Chief Executive Officer Steve Kandarian, the scariest risk is being classified as risky. MetLife lawyers go to court Wednesday seeking to overturn a too-big-to-fail designation in a lawsuit that could, if the insurer prevails, reduce the government’s …

MetLife CEO Raised Possibility of Breakup in 2014

MetLife Inc., looking to avoid tougher oversight, was examining options for a breakup or restructuring of the firm 14 months before announcing this year that it’s considering a sale, spinoff or public offering for part of the domestic retail business. …

MetLife Spinoff Plan Could Add to Pressure on AIG to Split

After General Electric Co. began selling finance operations to exit too-big-to-fail status, American International Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer Peter Hancock said it wasn’t clear that escaping the government risk tag would offer significant benefits to his company. Then in …

Wall Street May Create UK-Like Registry of Misbehaving Bankers, Traders

Bankers’ misdeeds would be cataloged, by name, on a private registry for hiring managers under a proposal that’s gaining traction as Wall Street firms struggle to restore reputations damaged by the financial crisis and the Libor and foreign-exchange scandals. When …

Federal Reserve Votes to Retire AIG Bailout Tool

The Federal Reserve Board on Monday approved a proposal to curb its emergency lending powers, a change demanded by Congress after the central bank’s controversial decision to aid AIG, Citigroup and others in 2008. The rule, unanimously approved by the …

Federal Reserve Pressured to Narrow Emergency Bailout Powers

The Federal Reserve is on the verge of relinquishing the tools it used to rescue American International Group Inc. and Bear Stearns Cos. That probably won’t appease lawmakers who’ve said they’re still concerned the central bank might abuse its powers …

If MetLife Is Tagged As Systemically Risky, Why Isn’t Berkshire Hathaway?

MetLife Inc., the insurer fighting the U.S. government’s decision to label it a potential threat to financial stability, wants to know why Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. has gotten a pass. Documents just released show that question was posed last …

MetLife Cites Foreign Operations to Claim It’s Not a U.S. Financial Firm

MetLife Inc.’s fight to free itself from a costly government label is increasingly focusing on a bold argument: The giant insurer isn’t actually a U.S. financial company. In court papers filed in Washington on Friday, MetLife said it doesn’t meet …

Regulators Want More Details on Insurers’ Living Wills for Bankruptcy

Three major non-bank financial firms need to provide more detail on how they could be unwound in bankruptcy after a collapse, regulators said Tuesday in their first response to the companies’ living wills. The statement by the Federal Reserve and …