Articles by Ian Katz and Zachary Tracer

MetLife ‘Strongly Disagrees’ with Systemically Risky Designation

MetLife Inc., the biggest U.S. life insurer, was tentatively categorized as a systemically important financial institution (SIFI) by a panel of regulators, which would subject it to stricter Federal Reserve supervision. “MetLife strongly disagrees,” Chief Executive Officer Steven Kandarian said …

MetLife Designation as Systemically Important Expected Soon

A U.S. council of regulators is poised to label MetLife Inc. a potential threat to the financial system, subjecting the insurer to oversight by the Federal Reserve, two people with knowledge of the matter said. A decision by the Financial …

Treasury Chief Lew Backs Financial Regulators and Risk Designations

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew pushed back against Republican efforts to curtail the work of a council of regulators charged with preventing another financial crisis and said a failure to examine potential risks could lead to “large-scale problems.” “If …

MetLife Unwavering in Battle Over Systemic Risk Rules

Steven Kandarian got MetLife Inc. out of banking to escape Federal Reserve oversight. Now, the insurer is fighting again to avoid the central bank’s reach. Kandarian, MetLife’s chief executive officer, has called regulatory uncertainty the primary challenge to meeting profit …

Regulators Reviewing Berkshire Hathaway for Systemic Risk

Regulators are starting to scrutinize Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. to determine whether it is important enough to the financial system to require Federal Reserve supervision, according to two people with knowledge of the matter. The U.S. Financial Stability Oversight …

Chamber Calls for Stricter Rules on Systemic Risk Designations on Insurers

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is calling for rules that would make it more difficult for a group of regulators to subject financial companies to stricter oversight. A vote of three-quarters of the Financial Stability Oversight Council should be required …

Treasury Secretary Lew Urges Congress Not to Change Dodd-Frank Reforms

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew said he is “stepping on the accelerator” to implement the Dodd-Frank Act and warned lawmakers against trying to change the financial rules overhaul. “Members of Congress who want to alter financial reform before it …

AIG, GE Capital Accept Systemically Important Designations

American International Group Inc. and General Electric Co.’s finance unit were designated systemically important by U.S. regulators, a ruling the companies had already agreed to accept. The vote by the Financial Stability Oversight Council subjects AIG and GE Capital to …