Articles by Ian Wishart, Nikos Chrysoloras and Tim Ross

Brexit Deadlock Deepens as Hopes Fade for Breakthrough During Crucial Week

The U.K. and the European Union are on course to miss this week’s key milestone on the road to a Brexit deal after talks broke up in stalemate on Sunday, people familiar with the matter said. A weekend of intense …

Brexit Divorce Talks Edge Toward Compromise but Obstacles Remain: UK, EU Officials

Brexit negotiators are edging toward a compromise on the thorniest issue in talks, even as officials on both sides warned that obstacles still stand in the way of a deal. EU chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said Wednesday that a …

Brexit Divorce Stalemate: EU Leaders Reject UK Blueprint as Deadline Looms

Theresa May promised fresh plans to break the stalemate in Brexit negotiations after European Union leaders bluntly rejected her blueprint and warned that time is running out for striking a deal. A two-day summit in Salzburg, Austria, broke up without …

UK, EU Officials Drop October Deadline for Brexit Divorce Deal: Sources

The UK and the European Union still say in public they want a Brexit deal wrapped up in the next seven weeks. Behind the scenes, though, senior officials on both sides admit this is unlikely. They now aim to finalize …

UK, EU Agree to 21-Month Brexit Transition Period; Clock Starts Ticking in March 2019

The U.K. clinched a deal that will buy it time in Brexit talks in a move the European Union’s chief negotiator hailed as a decisive step. But it’s all still contingent on finding a solution to the most intractable issue …

Update: UK Prime Minister Rejects EU Draft Brexit Deal as Unacceptable

The European Union presented the U.K. with a draft divorce deal that Theresa May said no British prime minister could ever accept. The pound fell. Brexit talks once again look to be stuck around the intractable issue of the Irish …

‘Complicated’ Brexit Talks Begin with Questions Over What Britain Wants

Almost a year since Britons voted to leave the European Union, Brexit talks finally began on Monday amid confusion over what exactly the U.K. government wants from the divorce. What U.K. Brexit Secretary David Davis describes as the “most complicated …

UK Government Plans to Trigger Brexit Negotiations in Late March: Sources

Prime Minister Theresa May’s team increasingly expect the U.K. to trigger the start of Brexit talks in late March, according to two British officials and a European Union diplomat. While the end of next week remains an option if May …