Articles by Jack Elliott Jr.

Miss. Democrats Ask for Trial Over Primary Ballot Control

Attorneys for plaintiffs wanting to keep non-Democrats from voting in Democratic Party primaries have asked a federal judge to let a trial go on, as scheduled. There is disagreement within the Democratic Party about the lawsuit, which seeks to restrict …

Miss. Supreme Court Assigns Judges to Hear Candidate Challenges

The Mississippi Supreme Court has assigned judges to hear challenges by candidates disqualified by political parties for statewide or legislative office. Most of those removed from the ballot filed as Democrats, but there is one Republican. At the head of …

Jackson, Miss. Law Firm Sues Scruggs Katrina Group over Fee Dispute

A Jackson, Mississippi law firm has sued millionaire trial attorney Richard Scruggs for allegedly withholding money it claims it was owed for working on Hurricane Katrina insurance-related litigation. The lawsuit was filed March 15 in Lafayette County Circuit Court by …

Miss. court: rental firm not liable if driver lies

Rental car companies are not liable for accidents that result from their unknowingly leasing a car to a motorist who lies about having a valid driver’s license, the Mississippi Supreme Court has ruled. The court, in a recent 5-4 decision, …

Rental Firm Not Liable If Driver Lies About License, Miss. Court Decides

Rental car companies are not liable for accidents that result from their unknowingly leasing a car to a motorist who lies about having a valid driver’s license, the Mississippi Supreme Court has ruled. The court, in a recent 5-4 decision, …

Miss. Dealt Setback in Bid to Link Vatican to Frankel Fraud

A federal appeals court in Jackson has tossed out one of the state of Mississippi’s theories that the Vatican was connected to the fraud scheme of financier Martin Frankel. State Insurance Commissioner George Dale sued the Vatican in 2003, claiming …