Articles by Jacqueline S. Gold

New Jersey, Massachusetts Reforms Help Open Up Auto Coverage

Efforts to improve auto insurance markets in New Jersey and Massachusetts, two of the worst states in which to write auto coverage, have yielded several important conclusions. One of the most important is the realization that if insurers can’t use …

Excess Capital: Too Much of a Good Thing?

As capital accumulates on insurers’ balance sheets, carriers are figuring out what to do with it if anything at all. The industry is flush with cash after a long hard market and lower corporate bond defaults. Although insurers are wary …

Excess Capital: Too Much of a Good Thing?

As capital accumulates on insurers’ balance sheets, carriers are figuring out what to do with it–if anything at all. The industry is flush with cash after a long hard market and lower corporate bond defaults. Although insurers are wary of …

State Opposition, Other Issues Bury Federal Charter Efforts

Although three major proposals to revamp insurance regulation are before legislators in some form, it appears that the industry’s ultimate goal of optional federal charters is nowhere close to fruition. Only the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ interstate compact is …

TRIA Renewal Remains Uncertain

Efforts to extend the federal terrorism insurance backstop, set to expire at the end of the year, face significant hurdles despite widespread belief among carriers that such a program is necessary to prevent massive market dislocation. A recent report by …

Mid-Size Brokers Hope to Gain From Industry Stumbles

While the contingent commissions controversy has been roiling the upper decks of the insurance industry, mid-size brokers and carriers could benefit from increased disclosure, heightened professionalism among its ranks, easier recruiting, and, in the longer term, a greater sense of …