Articles by Jahna Jacobson

Jahna Jacobson is an Assistant Editor for Insurance Journal Magazine.

Possibility of a Billion-Dollar Systemic Cyber Event ‘Is Real’

A systemic event and the threat it could pose to insurers’ portfolios is not the million dollar question, but perhaps the billion dollar question, according to Norman Niami, immediate past chairperson and member of The American Academy of Actuaries. “It’s …

Chief Risk Officers Say Cybersecurity Most Pressing Risk: Survey

In an inaugural EY/Institute of International Finance (IIF) global insurance risk management survey, cybersecurity was ranked as the highest concern for chief risk officers. CROs surveyed said the top five risk types or risk management types for the coming year …

High-Net-Worth Market Opportunities

The definition of a high-net-worth client varies, but it’s not unheard of for clients to pay millions of dollars in premiums to insure higher values homes worldwide. Agents who want to target the high-net-world market must speak the language, said …

Extreme Weather, Cyber Risks Top Concerns When Insuring Farms

As risks from extreme weather, technology glitches and cyberattacks rise, so does the need for agricultural insurance that can cover a rapidly diversifying and evolving industry. “With the interest rates, production expenses, and cost of diesel constantly on the rise, …

EWG Report Finds Rapidly Rising Crop Payouts As Climate Change Hits U.S. Agriculture

Drought, heat, hail, rain and freezing temperatures – the five horsemen of crop insurance. A new report from EWG found that crop insurance payouts for the top five weather-related losses totaled over $118.7 billion between 2001 and 2022, making up …

Best Agency to Work For – Midwest Bronze Winner: Greater Insurance Service

Sherri Gjermo, CEO of Greater Insurance Service Inc., is the second generation of leadership in the family business. And the third generation is already waiting in the wings. Founded in 1974, the Madison, Wisconsin-based agency was built on a philosophy …

Beware! Thanksgiving Risks to Watch

Thanksgiving seems like the safest of holidays. No fireworks, no green beer, no candles burning brightly next to tinsel-covered kindling. Just eat your dinner, take a nap and call it a day. And yet, Thanksgiving is among the most dangerous …

Best Agency to Work For โ€“ Southeast Bronze Winner: Energy Insurance

The Driving Force Behind Success Is a Motivated and Engaged Team At Energy Insurance Agency in Lexington, Kentucky, creating a great place to work is at the core of the agency’s success. The company’s family-friendly policies, personal attention to employees, …

Intentional Investment in People, Culture Key Values at Crest Insurance

Crest Insurance Group offers its employees the freedom to succeed. “Our entrepreneurial structure enables teams and individuals to achieve higher levels of success than they would achieve in a more highly structured or rigid corporate culture,” wrote one nominating employee. …

Best Agency to Work For – Gold Midwest: The Bulow Group

The Bulow Group has the winning formula for happy employees. In recent years, the agency won bronze, silver and gold awards as the Best Agency to Work For from Insurance Journal, and in 2023, they add another gold award to …