Articles by James Quiggle

The 2010 Insurance Fraud Hall of Shame

Barbara Morris died in a house fire set by an insurance arsonist. Bob Harper bought a fake health policy after urgently needing a pacemaker. A homeless man received a pittance after being rammed by a motorist who bought bogus auto …

The 2010 Insurance Fraud Hall of Shame

Barbara Morris died in a house fire set by an insurance arsonist. Bob Harper bought a fake health policy after urgently needing a pacemaker. A homeless man received a pittance after being rammed by a motorist who bought bogus auto …

Crime Warp: Fake Hate Crimes Lose More Than Money

Richard Wu’s apparent kidnapping was a near-death experience laced with racial hate. Four men grabbed him and a friend, took them to the New Star Asian Cuisine in Columbus, Ohio, set the place on fire with them inside, and spray-painted …

Crime Warp: Recession Driving a Rise in Vehicle Give-Ups

As America’s economy slogs through this once-in-a-generation recession, stressed-out consumers are literally being driven to desperation. Growing numbers of drivers are illegally dumping their vehicles for insurance money. Blackened hulks are turning up in remote deserts outside of Las Vegas, …

Crime Warp: Recession Driving a Rise in Vehicle Give-Ups

As America’s economy slogs through this once-in-a-generation recession, stressed-out consumers are literally being driven to desperation. Growing numbers of drivers around the U.S. are illegally dumping their vehicles for insurance money. Blackened hulks are turning up in remote deserts outside …