Articles by James Vicini

Supreme Court Rules in Halliburton Case

Halliburton Co. suffered a legal setback Monday when the U.S. Supreme Court refused to make it harder for shareholders to proceed with some class-action securities-fraud lawsuits against publicly traded companies. The justices unanimously ruled that a U.S. appeals court erred …

Supreme Court Hears Securities Fraud Loss Causation Arguments

The U.S. Supreme Court considered Monday whether to make it more difficult for shareholders to proceed with certain class-action securities-fraud lawsuits against publicly traded companies. The hour-long arguments before the justices in the case comes at a time when dozens …

Supreme Court Denies Fast Track for Healthcare Law Challenge

The Supreme Court refused Monday to speed up a ruling on President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul, his signature domestic achievement that has provoked a fierce political and legal battle. The justices rejected the state of Virginia’s request to invoke a …

Supreme Court Justices Question Major Class Action Against Wal-Mart

Supreme Court justices sharply questioned Tuesday whether more than a million female employees can join together against Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in the largest class-action sex-discrimination lawsuit in history. The justices seemed sympathetic to Wal-Mart in considering whether a small group …

Major Class Action Sex Discrimination Case Goes Before Supreme Court

The largest class-action sex-discrimination lawsuit ever will be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court March 29, pitting Wal-Mart Stores Inc. against female employees who seek billions of dollars. The justices will decide whether the small group of women who began …

Supreme Court Allows Lawsuits Over Seat Belts

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that federal regulations setting vehicle safety standards do not bar lawsuits seeking damages from automakers for installing lap-only seat belts. The unanimous ruling held that a California lawsuit against Mazda Motor Corp. over a fatal …

Supreme Court Rules Federal Law Shields Vaccine Makers from Suits

The Supreme Court ruled that federal law shields vaccine makers from product liability lawsuits in state court seeking damages for a child’s injuries or death from a vaccine’s side effects. The high court on Tuesday ruled for Wyeth, which is …

Virginia Move Could Speed Up Supreme Court Review of Healthcare Law

Virginia said Thursday it will ask the U.S. Supreme Court to hear its challenge to President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul, bypassing the appeals process in a rarely used move to try to speed up a definitive ruling on the year-old …

Supreme Court: Worker’s Protection from Retaliation Extends to Fiancee

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that a federal law barring retaliation against a worker for complaints about on-the-job discrimination also protected the employee’s relative from unlawful dismissal. The high court unanimously ruled for Eric Thompson, who was fired from his …

U.S. Sues BP, Well Owners, Driller, Insurer for Gulf Oil Spill Damages

The Obama administration Wednesday launched a legal battle against BP Plc and its partners by suing them for the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history, which could cost the companies billions of dollars. The lawsuit seeks damages from the …