Articles by Janet McConnaughey

Prosecutors Reduce Counts Against Texas Lawyer in BP Oil Spill Fraud Case

A Texas lawyer and six co-defendants are now facing a reduced indictment of 73 charges, instead of 95, at federal trial on accusations that they faked more than 40,000 damage claims after the BP oil spill in 2010. Online court …

OSHA: Company Ignored Safety Rule at Louisiana Site; Faces $226K in Fines

The federal government says an Illinois tank cleaning company’s violation of safety rules killed a New Orleans employee and injured two others in October. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is proposing $226,000 in fines against Dedicated TCS LLC. It’s …

Trial of Ex-BP Rig Supervisor Begins in New Orleans

Federal prosecutors and lawyers for a Deepwater Horizon rig supervisor are ready to tell jurors what they expect to prove as 65-year-old Robert Kaluza is tried on a misdemeanor pollution charge from the BP oil spill. A jury was chosen …

BP Supervisor Pleads Guilty to Misdemeanor in Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Manslaughter charges were dropped on Wednesday, Dec. 2, against a BP supervisor responsible for safety aboard the rig where an explosion killed 11 workers in 2010, and he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of violating the federal Clean Water …

U.S. Chinese Drywall Victims Face China’s Legal Wall of Immunity

More than a year after suing the Cabinet agency that oversees China’s biggest state-owned companies, lawyers for people who say their homes were ruined by drywall made in China are still trying to get the lawsuit served on the State-Owned …

U.S. Chinese Drywall Victims Face China’s Legal Wall of Immunity

More than a year after suing the Cabinet agency that oversees China’s biggest state-owned companies, lawyers for people who say their homes were ruined by drywall made in China are still trying to get the lawsuit served on the State-Owned …

Appeals Court Returns Gulf ‘Dead Zone’ Lawsuit to Judge

A federal judge who ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to take action to regulate farm runoff and other pollution blamed for the Gulf of Mexico’s annual oxygen-depleted “dead zone” must take a second crack at his ruling. An appeals court …

Chinese Drywall Maker’s 65% Owner Wants Out of Lawsuit

The majority owner of a company that made defective Chinese drywall says it should be dropped from a lawsuit with the potential for hundreds of millions of dollars in damages, because it does not manage the drywall manufacturer. The suit …

Louisiana Nonprofits: Health Insurance Misinformation a Problem

Nonprofit groups preparing to help people in Louisiana sign up for insurance under the federal health care law say they have had to battle misinformation and misconceptions about the program as they prepared for the Nov. 15 opening of the …

Texas Brine, Liberty Insurance at Odds Over $50M Louisiana Sinkhole Claim

The collapse of a portion of a salt dome that left a 37-acre sinkhole in swampy land west of Baton Rouge, La., has bubbled up into a $50 million dispute between the mine operator and its insurance company. Texas Brine …