Articles by Janet McConnaughey

Louisiana Appeal Court Must Reconsider Malpractice Cap Suit

A state appeals court must reconsider its ruling that the Legislature acted unconstitutionally when it covered nurses who are certified to diagnose illness and prescribe medicine under Louisiana’s $500,000 cap on general malpractice awards, the Louisiana Supreme Court has ruled. …

Louisiana Health Officials Record 71 Spill-Related Medical Complaints

Twenty-nine workers hired for oil spill recovery tasks have complained along with 42 others of diverse ailments including nausea, vomiting and flu-like symptoms since May 2, state health officials reported. Several of those complaining of problems were treated and released …

Corps to Build Permanent Pumps, Dams in Louisiana

The Army Corps of Engineers will begin taking proposals next month for permanent replacements for pumps and floodgates at the three canals where waters poured into New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, officials said March 16. An agreement that accommodates proposals …

Hearing Examines Wreck That Caused New Orleans Oil Spill

Storms in New Orleans halted work to clean up oil spilled along the Mississippi River as the Coast Guard prepared Aug. 11 for a hearing about who is to blame for the wreck that caused the spill in late July. …

Former La. Lawmaker: Restitution Cash from Insurance Co. Liquidation

Former Louisiana Senate president Michael O’Keefe, serving 19.5 years for stealing from a failed medical malpractice insurance company, said he and his codefendants plan to pay $4.7 million in restitution by using money from the liquidation of another company connected …

Vioxx Federal Judge Sees 2008 Focus on Stroke Cases

Next year’s federal Vioxx trials may focus on people who had strokes after taking the once popular painkiller, the judge assigned to handle pretrial matters in all 8,575 federal lawsuits said last Friday. “We may carve out five or six …

Is Lack of La. Hospital Evacuation Plan Negligence or Malpractice?

A question that could shunt hundreds of Hurricane Katrina claims against hospitals away from court, putting them before a state malpractice panel, is up before the Louisiana Supreme Court. The justices heard arguments April 12 in a lawsuit brought by …

La. Report Blames Corps of Engineers for New Orleans Levee Breaks

Decades of mistakes – some as basic as not knowing the elevation of New Orleans – led the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to believe its levees and floodwalls would protect the city from a storm as strong as Hurricane …

Judge Approves Deal Over Katrina-Related Urban Oil Spill in La.

A federal judge on Jan. 30 approved a settlement between Murphy Oil Corp. and about 6,000 St. Bernard Parish, La., homeowners over an oil spill that happened during Hurricane Katrina. In a three-page ruling, U.S. District Judge Eldon Fallon called …

One-Third of Orleans Area Residents Polled May Leave in 2 Years

Even among the best-off post-Katrina returnees to New Orleans and neighboring Jefferson Parish – those living in houses or apartments, rather than trailers – about one-third say they may leave the area within the next two years, a small poll …