Articles by Jason Gale and Angelica LaVito

Signs of Heart Damage After Covid Lead to Recommendation to Screen College Athletes

Doctors recommend cardiac screening tests for competitive athletes who have recovered from Covid-19 after a small study found heart damage in 1 in 7 college sports competitors, including in those whose coronavirus infection caused no obvious symptoms. Cardiac magnetic resonance …

Virus from Africa Kills Horses in Thailand, Showing Dangers of Biosecurity Gaps

When horses suddenly started dying in Thailand as the nation locked down to stem the spread of COVID-19, researchers feared the cause was another deadly bat-borne virus that could kill humans. “We had no idea what was causing it,” said …

Update: Australia’s Firefighters Take Advantage of Cooler Weather to Help Quell Wildfires

Firefighters are taking advantage of cooler weather to quell southeastern Australia’s wildfires that have killed at least 24 people and prompted stirring messages from stars at the Golden Globes. Some 130 blazes across New South Wales are being fought by …

Deadly African Swine Fever Now `Endemic’ in Two Regions of China: UN

China’s attempts to control African swine fever have been insufficient to stem further spread of the disease, with the deadly pig contagion now endemic in two regions, a United Nations group said. The virus that causes the disease is entrenched …

Extreme Weather in Europe and Asia Sparks Wildfires, Floods

Extreme weather that’s gripping northern Europe and parts of Asia may persist through early August, prolonging a deadly heatwave that’s parched crops and sparked devastating forest fires. Temperatures have risen to a record from Japan to Norway because of a …