Articles by Jeff Amy

Many in Mississippi ‘Out of Luck’ as Health Insurers Shun Exchange

People in 36 of Mississippi’s 82 counties may not be able to buy health insurance through the new federal online marketplace when it starts enrolling customers in October. Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney said two insurers have announced offerings so far, …

Homeowners Struggle with Rising Insurance Costs

When Stan Virden moved into his 2,400-square-foot house overlooking a rock-lined canal in 1996, he paid less than $1,000 a year for homeowners insurance. Now, as he seeks to move to Atlanta to be near family, Virden says potential buyers …

Coastal Homeowners Upset with Insurers, Regulators Over Surge in Insurance Costs

When Stan Virden moved into his 2,400-square-foot house overlooking a rock-lined canal in 1996, he paid less than $1,000 a year for homeowners insurance. Now, as he seeks to move to Atlanta to be near family, Virden says potential buyers …

Mississippi House Revives Guns in School Proposal

Members of the Mississippi House want to steer the school safety debate back toward letting school districts arm teachers and employees. The House voted 70-46 Tuesday to amend Senate Bill 2659 to allow school districts to decide to allow guns …

Mississippi Pharmacists Battle Benefit Managers, Mail Order Drug Firms

Pharmacists want Mississippi lawmakers to force an end to limits on where people covered by certain insurance plans can get prescriptions filled. However, lobbyists for some pharmacy benefit managers say the state can’t legally regulate certain insurance plans because they’re …

Faulkner Estate in Mississippi Files Copyright Suit Over Quotes in Movie, Ad

William Faulkner wrote that the past is never dead. His heirs say their copyright to that phrase is very much alive. The author’s literary estate is suing Sony Pictures Classics for using a paraphrase of the line in Woody Allen’s …

Insurers Processing Estimated $1.2 Billion in Hurricane Isaac Claims

Insurance claims from Hurricane Isaac have starting coming in, with one estimate saying losses to insurers could total $1.2 billion. AIR Worldwide, which models losses for insurers, said its best estimate of losses was $1.2 billion. Insurers could have to …

Mississippi Sees Drop in Drunk Driving Deaths

Mississippi no longer ranks among the top 10 states for deaths caused by drunk drivers, thanks to a big drop in alcohol-related traffic fatalities in 2010. Gov. Phil Bryant and law enforcement officials announced this week that Mississippi’s rate of …

Mississippi Insurance Chief to Build Health Exchange Despite Critics

Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney said he’s going to continue with plans for a state-run insurance exchange, despite opposition from some in the Tea Party. More than 30 Tea Party members attended a meeting of a committee that’s drafting recommendations …

Mississippi Curbs AG’s Control Over State’s Legal Business

Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant has signed a law limiting the attorney general’s control of the state’s legal business. The law, House Bill 211,which takes effect July 1, requires the attorney general to appoint outside lawyers if he declines to represent …