Articles by Jeff Mason and Tom Polansek

Unions Push Back on Trump Plan to Order Meat Processing Plants to Stay Open

President Donald Trump on Tuesday ordered meat-processing plants to stay open to protect the food supply in the United States, despite concerns about coronavirus outbreaks, drawing a backlash from unions that said at-risk workers required more protection. With concerns about …

Trump Apologizes to UK Prime Minister for ‘Fake News’ Criticisms of Brexit Plan

President Donald Trump said on Friday the United States and Britain could secure a “great” post-Brexit trade deal, lavishing praise on Prime Minister Theresa May and contradicting his own withering assessment of her strategy publicized hours earlier. Fresh from sending …

Trump Criticizes UK Prime Minister’s Brexit Plan, Saying He Would Have Done It Better

U.S. President Donald Trump said a free trade deal with Britain might be impossible if London went ahead with Prime Minister Theresa May’s proposals for post-Brexit ties with the European Union, in damaging remarks that could widen domestic criticism of …

Trump Promises Farmers He’ll Back Crop Insurance

U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday told farmers gathered in Tennessee that he supports crop insurance, signaling a possible shift from his proposals last year to shrink a program that many farmers rely on for funding their operations. Speaking at …

What Trump Declaring Opioid Crisis a Public Health Emergency Means

U.S. President Donald Trump declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency on Thursday, stopping short of a national emergency declaration he promised months ago that would have freed up more federal money. Responding to a growing problem, particularly in …

Trump Expected to End U.S. Participation in Paris Climate Pact

President Donald Trump plans to make good on his campaign vow to withdraw the United States from a global pact to fight climate change, a source briefed on the decision said on Wednesday, a move that promises to deepen a …

Obama Seeks ‘Nimble, Aggressive, Well-Resourced’ Cyber Defense

President Barack Obama vowed on Monday that the United States would aggressively bolster its cyber defenses, as U.S. officials said the probe into a massive breach of federal government networks has yielded growing signs of a direct Chinese role. Obama …

Obama Budget: Taxes, Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, Crop Insurance, Wildfires

President Barack Obama on Monday proposed a $3.99 trillion budget for fiscal year 2016 that sets up a battle with Republicans over programs to boost the middle class that are funded by higher taxes on corporations and wealthy Americans. The …

Obamacare to Hike Some, Lower Other Individual Health Premiums: Sebelius

President Barack Obama’s top healthcare adviser acknowledged on Tuesday that costs could rise in the individual health insurance market, particularly for men and younger people, because of the landmark 2010 healthcare restructuring due to take effect next year. U.S. Health …

Tackling Euro Zone Crisis is Top Priority for G8 Leaders

Leaders of major industrial economies meet this weekend to try to tackle a full-blown crisis in Europe where fears are growing that Greece could leave the euro zone bloc, threatening the future of the common currency. President Barack Obama, the …