Articles by Jeff Plungis

Senator Presses Tech Firms, Car Makers to Develop Distracted Driving Solutions

A top U.S. senator is vowing to pursue rules governing in-vehicle use of mobile phones and Internet-connected entertainment systems unless automakers and technology companies do more to reduce driver distractions. Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat, …

U.S. to Require Cars to Have ‘Talking’ Technology to Prevent Accidents

U.S. regulators will propose rules before President Barack Obama leaves office requiring vehicle- to-vehicle communications systems in new cars, which advocates said may aid safety more than seat belts and air bags. “Vehicle-to-vehicle technology represents the next generation of auto …

U.S. to Propose Standards for Talking Cars

U.S. regulators will take a step toward making talking cars a reality today, as Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx is expected to propose standards for vehicle-to-vehicle communications that could prevent crashes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration scheduled a news conference …

Safety Regulator Completes Crackdown on Bus Companies

The U.S. Transportation Department, under scrutiny after a watchdog questioned its oversight of bus companies, pledged to do deeper investigations of carriers with suspected safety deficiencies. The department’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, which regulates the trucking and bus industries, …

Car Makers Offered Relaxed Regulation for Installing Ignition Lock Tied to Seat Belt Use

A U.S. regulator’s offer to relax auto safety rules for manufacturers that install technology to prevent drivers from starting a car unless seatbelts are fastened drew swift opposition from safety advocates. Cars featuring so-called seatbelt interlock devices would be given …

Federal Safety Regulators Criticized for Missing Bus Safety Hazards

U.S. bus regulators are overlooking or not catching serious safety hazards before fatal crashes and need to change their auditing practices, the National Transportation Safety Board said. The U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration repeatedly has known about deficiencies before …

Groups Say Regulators Allow Unsafe Mexican Trucks on U.S. Roads

Regulators determined to let Mexican trucks on U.S. roads under a trade deal have downplayed safety shortcomings with companies in a border-crossing pilot program, according to safety, trucking and labor groups. Trucking authorities violated their own rules by letting one …

Tough-to-Kill New York Buses Drive Through U.S. Law’s Loopholes

Outside New York’s Winter Garden Theatre, where “Mamma Mia” is nearing the end of a 13-year Broadway run, unwitting tourists board a bus bearing the name of a company U.S. regulators tried to close two years ago. New York Party …

Trucking Industry Loses Challenge to Driver Fatigue Rule

U.S. Transportation Department regulations to ensure drivers get more rest were mostly upheld by a federal appeals court, a defeat for trucking companies that said the rules would add cost without improving highway safety. A three-judge panel of the Court …