Articles by Jennifer Agiesta and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar

Republicans Press for Delay in Obamacare Individual Mandate

Framing a new argument against President Barack Obama’s health care law, congressional GOP leaders called this week for a delay in the law’s requirement that individual Americans carry health insurance. If the White House can grant a one-year delay for …

Administration Shortens Health Care Application

The first draft was as mind-numbing and complex as tax forms. Now the Obama administration is unveiling a simplified application for health insurance benefits under the federal health care overhaul. It now includes a three-page short form that single people …

Applying for Obama Health Care Plan Daunting Task

Applying for benefits under President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul could be as daunting as doing taxes. The government’s draft application runs 15 pages for a three-person family. An outline of the online version has 21 steps, some with additional …

Health Insurers Nervous Over Prospect of Romney Victory

You’d think health insurance CEOs would be chilling the bubbly with Republican Mitt Romney’s improved election prospects, but instead they’re in a quandary. Although the industry hates parts of President Barack Obama’s health care law, major outfits such as UnitedHealth …

Americans Do Not Expect Total Repeal of Health Care Law: Poll

They may not like it, but they don’t see it going away. About 7 in 10 Americans think President Barack Obama’s health care law will go fully into effect with some changes, ranging from minor to major alterations, an Associated …