Articles by Jennifer Kay, Melissa Nelson-Gabriel and Mike Schneider

Report: Florida Coastal Communities Rebuilt, Ready to Face Future Storms

Since eight hurricanes whipped through Florida during back-to-back seasons a decade ago, causing $33 billion in insurance claims, the state’s coastal communities have added an additional 1.5 million people and almost a half-million new houses, an Associated Press analysis shows. …

Florida Van Crash Revives Concern About Safety of Vehicles

Federal transportation officials are investigating a crash that killed eight members of a Florida church who were riding in a type of van that has raised safety alarms for many years. It’s unknown what caused the overloaded 15-passenger van to …

Florida Equine Center Settles with Horse Feed Maker Over Poisonings

A Florida equestrian center where 22 horses were poisoned by tainted feed has reached a settlement with the company that produced and sold the feed. Two horses had to be euthanized last Friday, bringing the death toll at Masterpiece Equestrian …

Miami Hopes Storm Pumps, Seawall Will Protect Against Rising Seas

Climate change is not only already visible in iconic South Beach, but so is climate change adaptation, in the form of new storm water pumps meant to keep rising sea levels from swamping low-lying streets, city officials said Wednesday. Extreme …

NOAA Hopes Drones Get Data from Hurricane Edouard

U.S. government scientists are launching winged drones into Hurricane Edouard, hoping to collect data that could help forecasters understand what makes some storms strengthen into monsters while others fade away. This week’s launches mark the first time that unmanned aircraft …

Florida Gov. Scott Agrees to Meet with Climate Scientists

Florida Gov. Rick Scott said his administration would be “happy to meet” with 10 scientists from Florida universities who want to talk about climate change, a subject he has been reluctant to address. A letter from the scientists was delivered …

Local Officials Urged to Educate Public on Storm Risks, Building for Future

Two of the country’s top disaster experts challenged emergency managers and forecasters from Texas to Maine to help educate coastal residents and developers about hurricane hazards. Speaking at the National Hurricane Conference in Orlando, the head of the Federal Emergency …

Forecasters to Issue Special Maps, Warnings on Storm Surge

Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center hope new color-coded maps they’re trying out this year will simplify two important points about storm surge for coastal residents: how far from the beach the water will spread and how high that water …

Florida Legislature Seeks to Entice Private Insurers to Sell Flood Policies

The Florida Legislature is moving forward on a plan to entice private insurance companies to sell flood policies in the state that’s the most vulnerable to storm surge. It’s not clear, though, that many private insurers will want to assume …

Florida Joins Multistate Environmental Suit Against BP

Florida has joined a multistate lawsuit stemming from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, seeking to hold British oil company BP accountable for damage to the state’s natural resources. The complaint was filed last week in Panama City federal court …