Articles by Jennifer Peltz

In Sandy Turnaround Test, New York City Says It’ll Meet Goal

A home-repair program in New York City has been sprinting to meet a self-imposed deadline to signal a turnaround in Superstorm Sandy recovery, and officials say they’re positioned to pass their test of rebuilding both houses and confidence. The milestone …

Other Social Media Back Facebook in New York Privacy Case

Facebook’s fight against prosecutors over nearly 400 search warrants for users’ postings and other data is drawing support from other social media companies and civil libertarians. Lawyers for Foursquare, Kickstarter, Meetup, and Tumblr said Monday they were seeking to join …

NYC Sandy Rebuilding Is Now on Track, Mayor de Blasio Says

An often-criticized initiative to rebuild Superstorm Sandy-damaged homes has started work on more than 130, finished 30 and dispensed more than $6.3 million to reimburse homeowners for reconstruction costs, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Thursday. He said …

Uber Temporarily Cutting NYC Prices to Compete With Yellow Cabs

Uber Technologies says it is temporarily cutting its prices in New York City with the aim of making its service cheaper than an average taxi ride, the car service app announced Monday. The San Francisco start-up said it is reducing …

Electric Cord Sparked Fire That Killed New York Firefighter

A blaze at a high-rise apartment in New York City that killed a fire lieutenant started in an air-conditioner electrical cord pinched between a bed frame and a wall, the fire commissioner said, adding that the fire had been ruled …

N.Y.’s Four Seasons Restaurant Sued Over Plan to Move Picasso Painting

New York’s storied Four Seasons restaurant has for decades harbored one of the city’s more unusual artworks: the largest Pablo Picasso painting in the United States. But a plan to move it has touched off a spat as sharply drawn …

Ex-CEO Admits to Stealing Millions from Poverty Charity with Insurance Scam

The politically connected former CEO of a prominent city charity admitted Wednesday he helped steal more than $9 million from the organization in an insurance scheme that authorities linked to campaign contributions. William Rapfogel pleaded guilty to grand larceny, money …

New York Train Wreck Could Be Case of Highway Hypnosis

It’s sometimes called highway hypnosis or white-line fever, and it’s familiar to anyone who has driven long distances along a monotonous route.Drivers are lulled into a semi-trance state and reach their destination with little or no memory of parts of …

New York Train Wreck Engineer Suspended Without Pay

The engineer driving the speeding commuter train that derailed in New York City last weekend, killing four people, has been suspended without pay, a railroad spokesman said Thursday.William Rockefeller is “out of service, and not being paid,” the spokesman for …

New York Hotel Sues Over Ground Zero Construction Noise

The din of rebuilding the World Trade Center is driving guests away from a prominent hotel overlooking ground zero, and the agency in charge hasn’t listened to requests to quell the noise, the hotel’s owner says in a lawsuit filed …