Articles by Neil Callanan and Jessica Shankleman

Londoners Slowly Return to Work After Schools Reopened

Londoners are slowly returning to work in offices, factories and stores after children went back to school at the start of the month. Data compiled by Google show workplace attendance has increased slightly in three of the UK capital’s main …

U.K. Names Bailey as Bank of England Chief, Succeeding Carney

Andrew Bailey will be the next head of the Bank of England after the government chose to replace Mark Carney with the U.K.’s top financial regulator, just as Britain faces the next phase of Brexit. He’ll start on March 16, …

EU Loses Faith in PM Johnson’s Ability to Deliver Brexit Divorce Deal by Oct. 31

The European Union is rapidly losing faith that U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson can deliver a divorce deal by the Oct. 31 deadline, as Brexit talks stumble. EU officials view Johnson’s inflammatory rhetoric against his opponents as a hindrance and …

U.K. Prime Minister Warned that Parliament ‘Forcefully’ Will Try to Stop No-Deal Brexit

Boris Johnson’s Brexit troubles deepened as the Speaker of the House of Commons warned him Parliament will “forcefully” try to stop him taking Britain out of the European Union without a deal. The premier believes the only way out of …

U.K. Government Optimistic that Brexit Talks Can Begin Again

The U.K. government sees an opportunity to restart Brexit negotiations with the European Union after Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s meetings last week with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron. The two leaders appeared to relax their language …

UK Climate Change Adviser to Recommend Target of Zero Emissions by 2050: Sources

The U.K. government’s official adviser on climate change is set to recommend the country adopt a target to drive net fossil fuel emissions to zero by 2050, according to people familiar with the plan. If adopted, the proposals would give …

IMF Officials Urge Governments to Limit Risks to Global Economy

The International Monetary Fund warned governments not to rock the boat with trade wars and other disruptions at a time when the global economy is already sailing through choppy waters. “We see downside risk and that means one has to …

UK Prime Minister to Be Forced to Request 3-Month Brexit Delay: EU Sources

The European Union expects U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May to be forced to request a three-month delay to Brexit, two EU officials said. Discussions between the two sides suggest May will ask for an extension to the two-year negotiating period …

UK Economy Could Take 10.7% Economic Hit with No-Deal Brexit: Gov’t Report

The U.K. will suffer a major economic hit if Parliament rejects Theresa May’s Brexit deal and the country crashes out of the European Union with no new trade arrangements in place, according to official analysis. A government report on Wednesday …

Growing Climate Risks May Be ‘Impossible to Model’ – and Ultimately Uninsurable

After one of the worst Atlantic hurricane seasons in history, the world’s biggest insurers say the industry needs to get its act together if it wants to survive climate change. Insuring against weather natural disasters could reach unaffordable levels for …