Articles by Stephanie Bodoni and Jillian Deutsch

TikTok Faces Fine as EU Prepares Probe Over Risks to Minors

TikTok owner ByteDance Ltd. faces the threat of hefty fines as the European Union prepares a probe under its strict new content moderation rules over concerns of risks to minors. The European Commission will open an investigation into TikTok under …

EU Weighs Cyber Plan Aimed at Keeping Cloud Data in Europe

The European Union is weighing a plan that would require cloud providers to store all of their data within the bloc in order to qualify for its highest cybersecurity certification. ENISA, the EU’s cybersecurity regulator, is drawing up the new, …

Web-Connected Devices May Have to Meet New EU Cybersecurity Rules

Providers of internet-connected technology – from Apple iPhone software to baby monitors – will have to meet new cybersecurity requirements in the European Union or face fines and possibly have the product taken off the market, according to a draft …

Musk-Owned Twitter Will Have to Follow EU’s Rules: Commissioner

A top EU official doesn’t expect to have a problem with Elon Musk, who is pursuing a free-speech agenda in his takeover of Twitter Inc., so long as the billionaire follows the region’s content rules. European Commissioner Thierry Breton warned …

Tech Giants Could Face Billions in Fines Under EU’s New Content Rules

The world’s biggest technology companies could face billions of dollars in fines for breaches of new European Union legislation after lawmakers reached an agreement on its scope early Saturday. The landmark Digital Services Act is the EU’s answer to what …

European Gig Workers Hail ‘Landmark’ Directive to Make Them Employees

Millions of platform workers in Europe could be on their way to being designated as employees, a move that labor groups say could transform their status. The European Commission on Thursday set out new rules that would mean people working …