Articles by Jim Finkle

New Digital Evidence Emerges of N. Korea Connection to Bangladesh Bank Heist

Cyber security firm Kaspersky Lab on Monday said it had obtained digital evidence that bolsters suspicions by some researchers that North Korea was involved in last year’s $81 million cyber heist of the Bangladesh central bank’s account at the Federal …

New York State Finalizes First-in-Nation Cyber Security Regulation

New York state announced a final cyber security regulation on Thursday with mandatory standards for banks and insurers to combat the ever-increasing risk of cyber attacks. The regulation, which takes effect March 1, follows a series of high-profile data breaches …

Taiwan’s $2M ATM Theft Linked to Europe’s ATM Heist: Cyber Security Firm

The group that orchestrated the theft of over $2 million from cash machines at Taiwan’s First Commercial Bank in July was also behind an ATM hacking spree in more than a dozen European nations last year, according to cyber security …

Yahoo Warns 2nd Hack Exposed 1 Billion Users in Largest Data Breach in History

Yahoo Inc. warned on Wednesday that it had uncovered yet another massive cyber attack, saying data from more than 1 billion user accounts was compromised in August 2013, making it the largest breach in history. The number of affected accounts …

SWIFT Official Warns Banks of Escalating, More Sophisticated Cyber Threats

Cyber attacks targeting the global bank transfer system have succeeded in stealing funds since February’s heist of $81 million from the Bangladesh central bank as hackers have become more sophisticated in their tactics, according to a SWIFT official and a …

Hackers Remotely Steal ATM Cash in Latest Twist on Cyber Bank Heists

Cyber criminals have remotely attacked cash machines in more than a dozen countries across Europe this year, using malicious software that forces machines to spit out cash, according to Russian cyber security firm Group IB. Diebold Nixdorf and NCR Corp., …

Panel to Study Cyber Security Issues at St. Jude After Heart Device Claims

Medical-device maker St. Jude Medical Inc. said it plans to set up a medical advisory board focused on cyber security issues affecting patient care and safety. St. Jude said in a statement that the group, known as the Cyber Security …

Lawyers Say St. Jude’s Lawsuit Against Short-Seller Faces Steep Climb

St. Jude Medical will face an uphill battle in its corporate defamation lawsuit over a short-seller’s report that said the medical device company’s heart implants were vulnerable to cyber attacks, lawyers familiar with such cases said. The Minnesota-based company has …

UK Banks Ordered to Update Cyber Security After $81M Bangladesh Bank Heist

The Bank of England ordered UK banks to detail steps taken to secure computers connected to the SWIFT bank messaging network about two months after a still-unidentified group used the system to steal $81 million from Bangladesh Bank, according to …

Bangladesh Bank Cyber-Heist Hackers Exploited Vulnerabilities in SWIFT Software

The attackers who stole $81 million from the Bangladesh central bank probably hacked into software from the SWIFT financial platform that is at the heart of the global financial system, said security researchers at British defense contractor BAE Systems. SWIFT, …