Articles by Jim Finkle

Credit Bureau Experian Facing Litigation, State Probes Over Data Breach

Experian Plc is enmeshed in litigation over its 2012 purchase of the assets of data firm Court Ventures, which is at the center of a breach that exposed some 200 million American Social Security numbers to criminals. States have launched …

Target’s Cyber Insurance Softens Blow of Massive Credit Breach

Target Corp. shares made strong gains after it reassured investors that customers were beginning to return to its U.S. stores, suggesting that the impact of a massive data breach may not be as severe as some had feared. The third-largest …

Chinese Hackers Spied on Europeans before G20 Meeting: Research Firm

Chinese hackers eavesdropped on the computers of five European foreign ministries before last September’s G20 Summit, which was dominated by the Syrian crisis, according to research by computer security firm FireEye Inc. The hackers infiltrated the ministries’ computer networks by …

Connectivity in Cars Raises Cyber Attack Questions: Senator

A U.S. senator has asked 20 of the world’s biggest automakers for information on how they secure their vehicles from cyber attacks, in light of reports by security experts who say they have identified ways to hack into cars. Edward …

Hacker Group in China Linked to Cyberattacks Against U.S. Firms: Symantec

Computer security experts have discovered a group of highly sophisticated computer hackers operating for hire, a U.S computer security firm said on Tuesday, and it linked the group to some of the best-known cyber-espionoge attacks out of China in recent …

UN Warns of ‘Vulnerabilities’ in Mobile Phone SIM Cards as Cyber Security Risk

A United Nations group that advises countries on cyber security, plans to send out an alert about significant vulnerabilities in mobile phone technology that could potentially enable hackers to remotely attack at least half a billion phones. The bug, discovered …

$45 Million Global Cyber Bank Theft: Who Pays the Losses?

In one of the biggest ever bank heists, a global cyber crime ring stole $45 million from two Middle Eastern banks by hacking into credit card processing firms and withdrawing money from ATMs in 27 countries, U.S. prosecutors said on …

Bank Group Warns of Heightened Risk of Cyber Attacks

A financial services industry group warned U.S. banks, brokerages and insurers on Wednesday to be on heightened alert for cyber attacks after Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase experienced unexplained outages on their public websites. The Financial Services Information Sharing …

Cyber Surveillance Virus from Mideast Can Spy on Bank Transactions

A new cyber surveillance virus has been found in the Middle East that can spy on banking transactions and steal login information for social networking sites, email and instant messaging, according to a leading computer security firm, Kaspersky Lab. Dubbed …

LinkedIn Risks Reputation Damage Over Password Leaks, Silence

LinkedIn Corp.’s silence on the extent of a security breach that exposed millions of user passwords has damaged its reputation among some business professionals, and may slow the growing company’s rise if the breach turns out to be more serious …