Articles by Joan Lowy

Study: Grandpa and Grandma Much Safer Behind the Wheel

Safety researchers expressed concern a decade ago that traffic accidents would increase as the nation’s aging population swelled the number of older drivers on the road. Now, they say they’ve been proved wrong. Today’s drivers aged 70 and older are …

Grandpa and Grandma Much Safer Behind the Wheel Than Predicted

Safety researchers expressed concern a decade ago that traffic accidents would increase as the nation’s aging population swelled the number of older drivers on the road. Now, they say they’ve been proved wrong. Today’s drivers aged 70 and older are …

U.S., Canada Officials Say Tougher Oil Train Safety Rules Needed

Warning that a “major loss of life” could result from an accident involving the increasing use of trains to transport large amounts of crude oil, U.S. and Canadian accident investigators urged their governments to impose new safety rules. The unusual …

New Federal Safety Rules Target Bus, Truck Firms with Repeat Violations

Intercity bus and truck companies with a continuing history of safety problems will be easier to shut down under regulations published online last Friday by the Federal Motor Carrier Administration, an agency under fire for its oversight of the industries. …

Seat Belts to Be Required on Tour, Intercity Buses Starting in 2016

New tour buses and buses that provide service between cities must be equipped with seat belts starting in late 2016 under a federal rule issued Wednesday, a safety measure sought by accident investigators for nearly a half century. Beginning in …

NTSB Faults Parade Plans in Fatal Texas Train Collision

The lack of safety planning by parade organizers and the city of Midland, Texas, has been faulted by federal investigators in an accident in November 2012 in which a freight train rammed a tractor-trailer truck towing a parade float with …

Railroad Industry Wants Delay in Safety Technology Requirement

Despite a rash of deadly train crashes, the railroad industry’s allies in Congress are trying to push back the deadline for installing technology to prevent the most catastrophic types of collisions until at least 2020, half a century after accident …

New Safety Recommendations for School Buses Weighed

Federal accident investigators are considering new safety recommendations for school buses, large trucks and commercial drivers based on two similar fatal crashes in New Jersey and Florida last year. The National Transportation Safety Board was meeting this week to consider …

Safety Board Recommends ‘Talking Vehicles’ Technology in New Models

The government should set performance standards for new safety technology that allows cars and trucks to talk to each other and then require the technology be installed in all new vehicles, a federal accident investigation board recommended this week. The …

Slow Landing Speed Of San Francisco Jet Probed

Investigators have determined that Asiana Airlines Flight 214 was traveling “significantly below” the target speed during its approach and that the crew tried to abort the landing just before it smashed onto the runway. What they don’t yet know is …