Articles by Joan Lowy

Motorcycle Injuries Rise After Helmet Laws Weakened: Study

The average medical claim from a motorcycle crash rose by more than one-fifth last year in Michigan after the state stopped requiring all riders to wear helmets, according to an insurance industry study. For more than 40 years, Michigan required …

Motorcycle Injuries Rise After Helmet Laws Weakened: Study

The average medical claim from a motorcycle crash rose by more than one-fifth last year in Michigan after the state stopped requiring all riders to wear helmets, according to an insurance industry study. Across the nation, motorcyclists opposed to mandatory …

Probe Blames Deadly Copter Crash on Pilot Texting

Texting by the pilot of a medical helicopter contributed to a crash that killed four people, federal accident investigators said this week as they approved a safety alert cautioning all pilots against using cellphones or other distracting devices during critical …

More U.S. Than European Drivers on Phone: Study

Distracted driving is more widespread in the U.S. than in Europe, according to a study that surveyed drivers about their cellphone and texting habits. More U.S. drivers reported talking on their cellphones behind the wheel than their counterparts in seven …

Teen Driver Deaths Increased in First Half of 2012

Deaths of younger teen drivers increased sharply in the first six months of last year, reversing a decade-long trend, according to a report released Tuesday by state highway safety officials. Deaths of 16- and 17-year-old drivers in traffic accidents in …

Report Questions Safety Oversight of Smaller Airlines

Since a deadly airline crash in 2009, the government hasn’t kept its promise to ensure that major airlines are holding their smaller partners to the same safety standards, a federal watchdog says. The Transportation Department’s inspector general faults the Federal …

Industry Opposition Slows Airline Safety Law Implementation: Report

Federal regulators are struggling to overcome substantial industry opposition and implement a sweeping aviation safety law enacted after the last fatal U.S. airline crash nearly four years ago, according to a report by a government watchdog. The Federal Aviation Administration …

States Urged to Require Ignition Locks for Drunk Drivers

A federal safety board is recommending that all states require ignition interlock devices for convicted drunk drivers, including first-time offenders. The five-member National Transportation Safety Board said the devices are currently the best available solution to reducing drunk driving deaths, …

Deaths of Bicyclists, Large Truck Occupants Rise as Other Traffic Fatalities Fall

Deaths of bicyclists and occupants of large trucks rose sharply last year even as total traffic fatalities dropped to their lowest level since 1949, federal safety officials said Monday. Bicyclist deaths jumped 8.7 percent and deaths of occupants of large …

Women with Driver’s Licenses Now Outnumber Men

Women have passed men on the nation’s roads. More women than men now have driver’s licenses, a reversal of a longtime gender gap behind the wheel that transportation researchers say is likely to have safety and economic implications. If current …