Articles by Joan Lowy

Technology to Prevent Bus Accidents Exists But Isn’t Implemented

The technology exists to prevent many bus crashes and to make it more likely passengers will survive those that do occur, but government regulators have failed to implement safety recommendations that in some case stretch back decades, safety advocates told …

Local California Fire Chief Unaware of Gas Line Before Explosion

Until a deadly explosion south of San Francisco last year, local firefighters had no idea there was a large gas transmission pipeline underneath their town — a recurring problem in pipeline accidents, federal safety officials said this week. Pacific Gas …

Feds Urges All States to Require Motorcycle Helmets

Federal safety officials are calling on states to require all motorcycle riders to wear helmets, citing a surge in fatalities since the late 1990s. Motorcycle deaths have increased over the last decade even as other traffic fatalities have declined, the …

U.S. Auto Fatalities Down But Safety Efforts Lag

The United States is lagging behind nearly every other high-income country in reducing annual traffic fatalities, said a report released this week by a U.S. government research panel. There’s some good news: U.S. traffic fatalities fell 9.7 percent in 2009 …

Distracted Pilots Becoming Aviation Safety Worry After Laptop Incident

Two Northwest Airlines pilots who flew 150 miles past their destination because they were focused on laptop computers instead of cockpit displays may have opened a new avenue of concern for safety regulators — distracting personal electronic devices on the …

U.S. Safety Agency Eyes Cell Phone Use Ban for Bus, Truck Drivers

Safety investigators told federal regulators three years ago that it was dangerous for bus drivers to talk on cell phones while driving and recommended a ban. The National Transportation Safety Board put that recommendation on its list of most important …

Report Warned About Lax Oversight of ‘On Demand’ Airlines Before N.Y. Crash

Less than a month before the deadly midair collision involving a private plane and a sightseeing helicopter over New York’s Hudson River, a federal watchdog warned about the lax safety oversight of the for-hire flight business. A report issued by …

Feds Probe Pilot Training, Behavior in Upstate New York Crash

The training and behavior of the pilot and first officer in the worst U.S. air crash in more than seven years are prominent on the agenda of an unusual three-day safety hearing that began yesterday. All 49 people aboard Flight …

Evidence Points to Crew Error in Upstate New York Plane Crash

Flight data point to possible flight crew errors rather than ice accumulation as a key factor in last month’s plane crash near Buffalo, New York, that killed 50 people, aviation safety experts said. The National Transportation Safety Board said information …

New Federal Safety Rules Target Medically Unfit Truck, Bus Drivers

Federal safety regulators have begun taking steps to get medically unfit truck drivers and bus operators off the road. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration says it will require states to merge commerical truck and bus drivers licenses and drivers’ …